Posts Tagged Wood Chips

Wood Chips and Compost

There must have been a lot of yard work and gardening going on over the weekend because when we arrived this morning, both piles were depleted!  This means Pine Covers are amending their soil so it retains moisture better and putting down wood chips to keep the moisture in the soil.  We are working on getting more compost as well as wood chips, so if you didn’t get yours, do not worry.  I will post here on the blog as soon as our supplies are replenished.  We are so happy to be able to provide these items to Pine Cove Water District customers free of charge.


Remember, if you need a large amount of either item to check in with us at the office first, as we want to be sure there is enough for everyone.  Now is the time to be outside cleaning up your yard, doing your fire abatement, amending your soil and adding a layer of woodchips to keep moisture in.  These are all very necessary chores that need done, so get them done now so you can enjoy the summer with peace of mind knowing you are doing all you can to keep your mountain home safe and that you are helping to conserve water.

Wood Chips

Jerry & Stitch

Posted in: Around the District, Compost, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Drought, Fire Abatement, From the Office, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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Rain Barrels

If you missed out on our rain barrel purchase program last year, fear not.

Special Offer from PCWD

Rain Barrel from last year’s promotion.

I now have instructions that show you how to make your own rain barrel, here at the district office that you can pick up free of charge.  Or you can go to this address and look it up for yourself if you’d rather.

Rain water harvesting is an excellent way to collect water for outside use.  If you are interested in learning more about harvesting rain water, I recommend going to Brad Lancaster’s website at  He is one of the leading experts in rain water harvesting and saving and reducing water usage.  I highly recommend his books, videos and website as they are a wealth of information.  He also shares a lot of information on how to make your property act like a sponge and retain the rain that does fall on it.  He has many tips and tricks that we can all implement in our own gardens in order to take better advantage of any moisture that we do receive, such as creating berms and swales.

You can also amend the soil in your garden so that it is more absorbent and retains more water.  We have free compost available for Pine Cove water customers as well as wood chips that you can apply to help retain moisture and will gradually decompose over time and add even more nutrients to the soil.


Wood Chips

Posted in: Around the District, Compost, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Garden, Rain, Rain Barrels, Rain Water Harvesting, The Garden, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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