Posts Tagged weather

The Rain Has Arrived!

Oh happy day!  The rains have arrived.  So far today we have received .75 of an inch of rain, according to our weather station which is located up at the Rocky Point tank site.  The rain total for February is 1.38 inches, however, that total was received in just the last 36 hours or so.  That is a lot of rain for such a short period of time!

Right now it is about 10:45 a.m. and here at the district office in Pine Cove, it is raining hard and steady with the occasional burst of wind which cause the rain to go sideways.  There is a light fog and the rain has periods of hard down pour and then light drizzle.

The weather forecast is calling for snow tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night.  There is a possibility of 10 to 14 inches falling tonight and another 10 to 14 inches tomorrow and another 5 to 9 inches on Saturday night.  Let’s hope the temperatures stay cool and we receive as much wonderful snow as possible.  We need this moisture very badly and the arrival of this storm is just what the doctor ordered.

Please prepare yourself for winter weather and a lot of snow.  Do not travel if you do not have to.  If you do have to venture out, make sure you carry chains, a small shovel, some sand or cat litter, a couple extra blankets, some snacks, a flashlight and anything else you think you may need should you get stranded.  Make sure your cell phone is charged up and ready to go before you leave.

Animals.   Please, please, please take proper precautions and preparations if you have animals that live outside.  No matter what animals you have, make sure they are winter weather ready.  They need a shelter that is clean and dry and will protect them from the rain, wind, snow and cold.  Fresh, dry, unsoiled bedding should be in place along with an area with fresh food and clean, warm water.  No animal likes or wants to stand in rain, snow mud or feces.

If possible, bring your dogs inside.  Contrary to popular belief, the majority of dogs are not equipped to live outside, full time, in extreme heat and cold.  At the very least, please bring your dogs inside to a garage or utility room and give them some soft, warm bedding along with fresh food and clean water.   Even better is a bed by the wood burner or fireplace in the same room with you.  Remember, your dog loves you and wants to be around you.  You are your dog’s world.  Please think twice before you get a dog that has to be banished to the outside constantly.  If this is the only life you can provide for a dog, perhaps this is not the season of life for you to be a dog owner.  Just think how you would feel if you were banished from human contact for the majority of the time and had to live in the elements 24/7.  Our animal friends depend on us for their every need, so please be the good person your dog thinks you are and provide them with lots of love and attention and tend to their physical needs.

Enjoy the rain and the snow everyone!

snow scene




Posted in: Animals, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Rain, Storms, Weather

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Still no Snow…

This morning is very overcast, so I checked the weather forecast in the hope that rain or snow was expected to arrive, but alas, I see no rain or snow in the immediate forecast.  Here is what is predicted for the next week.

Today, mostly cloudy, with a high near 53. Southeast wind 5 to 10 mph.

  • Tonight: Mostly cloudy, with a low around 41. East wind around 5 mph.
  • Saturday: Mostly sunny, with a high near 55. East wind around 5 mph becoming west in the afternoon.
  • Saturday: Night Mostly clear, with a low around 41. West wind around 5 mph becoming north in the evening.
  • Sunday: Sunny, with a high near 56. West wind around 5 mph.
  • Sunday: Night Mostly clear, with a low around 42.
  • Monday: Sunny, with a high near 58.
  • Monday: Night Mostly clear, with a low around 44.
  • Tuesday: Sunny, with a high near 60.
  • Tuesday: Night Mostly clear, with a low around 47.
  • Wednesday: Sunny, with a high near 63.
  • Wednesday: Night Mostly clear, with a low around 48.
  • Thursday: Sunny, with a high near 60.

While this weather is certainly enjoyable and makes for easy winter living, it is not helpful in easing our drought conditions.  We are hoping that rain and snow fall in February and March will make up for the extremely dry January, but if they do not, we will be considering going back into Stage 1 Conservation.  Stage 1 is voluntary compliance.  Customers are asked to conserve, when possible, the amount of water used to that amount necessary for domestic and business purposes.  Hopefully, everyone who lives in Pine Cove is already doing these things.

Fix leaky plumbing, prevent irrigation runoff, refrain from washing down sidewalks, driveways and parking areas and avoid sprinkling unplanted areas for dust control.  Customers will be encouraged to utilize wood chips to mulch around all plants and trees in order to minimize outside watering.  An added bonus is that the wood chips you mulch with will gradually compost and feed your plants and trees and improve the soil, thereby enabling it to retain water better.

We will be monitoring the water situation very closely and will take whatever measures we deem necessary in order to continue to provide water to the customers of Pine Cove.  Getting in the habit of conserving as much water as possible will ensure that we all will have what we need down the road.  We all have our part to play and we hope we can count on you to play your part!

Wood Chips

Wood chips provided free of charge to Pine Cove Water District customers.

Posted in: Community, Compost, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Garden, Pine Cove Water District, Weather, Wood chips

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