Posts Tagged water bills

Water Bills

Here at the Pine Cove Water District, we send out water bills every other month on the even months.  So June is a billing month.  Bills were mailed on June 2nd and are due on June 25th.  If you have not received your bill, you can give us a call at 951-659-2675 and we can tell you that amount that is due.

We accept cash, checks and Visa, MasterCard or Discover cards.  We can take a credit card payment over the phone or at the counter and there is a $2.50 fee that is charged by the company that processes the payments for us.  You can also pay us through your online banking if that is how you prefer to pay your bills.

If you are a renter you can always call us and find out what the amount due is.  All water bills are kept in the homeowners name and it is up to the landlord and tenant to make arrangements on how the water bills are handled.

We greatly appreciate you paying your bill in a timely manner and paying on time prevents a late fee of $15 from being added to your bill.




Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office

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Friday Happenings

Edison has turned off the electricity here on the hill.  It should be off until about noon.  They are working on upgrading the system and everyone was given advance notice.  This is a planned outage and there is nothing wrong and there is no problem.

The weather has warmed up slightly and it is about 40 degrees this morning.  The sun should be back out by Sunday and temperatures should be back in the 50’s.  So, all in all, it should be a decent weekend here on the hill if you are planning a trip up.  If you are a full timer, it will be a good weekend to get a head start on some of those spring projects.  It is too bad we didn’t get more snow, but we have no control over that.

Please remember we are now in Stage I conservation.  Please conserve water whenever possible.  For more information on the Water Conservation Stages, please check the page at the top of the blog.  We also enclosed a brochure in this month’s bill explaining the different stages as well as the tiered water prices for each stage.

Posted in: Billing, Conservation, Uncategorized, Water Bills, Water Conservation, Weather

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Rain Today!

A storm rolled into Pine Cove over night and left a light dusting of snow.  It has been lightly raining on and off most of the morning.  It is cold, (30 degrees at 10:20 a.m.) foggy and damp.  It is not too much fun to be outside this morning.  There is a possibility of some snow accumulation tonight into tomorrow morning of 3 to 7 inches, but we will have to wait and see if that materializes or not.  Any moisture is most welcome, so rain or snow, we will take it.

All in all, today is a good day to stay inside by the fire if you don’t have to be out and about, but if you do, wear a warm jacket and take a hat or umbrella to keep yourself dry just in case it starts to rain or snow, as it can be sporadic.  Roads are clear, but there is currently a light fog.  While the visibility is good here in Pine Cove,  you never know how it is elsewhere,  so if you are driving, be prepared for the possibility of running into some fog that may be thicker than what we currently have here in Pine Cove.

We will see what tonight brings and I will update weather conditions with a new post tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, the boys finished reading meters on Friday afternoon and Becky is now working on the billing.  Bills will probably hit the mail box sometime tomorrow and are due on the 25th of this month.

Stay warm and dry and please make sure you bring your pets inside during inclement weather!  Remember, they enjoy sitting in front of a nice warm, roaring fire just as much as you do.

And just in case you don’t have a fireplace where you are now, here is one for you.

Posted in: Animals, Around the District, Road Conditions, Storms, Uncategorized, Water Bills, Weather

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