Posted by admin on April 17, 2014
The Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council is having their third annual Fire Safety Muster on Saturday, April 26, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at the Idyllwild Community Center Site in the center of town. This is a very important event because it provides mountain residents with information that they need in order to get ready for the upcoming fire season.
There will be many local and government agencies there to share information with everyone. One of the featured attractions will be the U.S. Forest Service’s popular K-9 demonstration. Other agencies will demonstrate activities and safety procedures throughout the day. The Idyllwild Fire Department will demonstrate an extrication of a person from an automobile and several other fire agencies, including Cal Fire/Riverside County Fire Department and the Forest Service, will demonstrate hose lays.

Pine Cove Water District Booth
MCFSC’s Woodies unit will be present and demonstrate how to split wood safely and some local tree contractors will demonstrate tree cutting. You will also be able to register your telephone number, including cell phone numbers, with the Emergency Warning System. If an evacuation were issued during a fire, this system will leave a message on every phone number registered within the affected area.
The Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit has agreed to demonstrate a rescues provide they aren’t called up to do a real rescue as has happened at the last two musters. Many other participants, including yours truly, the Pine Cove Water District will be on hand with booths full of pertinent information. Food and beverages will be available on site throughout the day. So be sure to head on over to the muster and learn more about fire prevention, abatement, water conservation and much more.