Posts Tagged information

Bills Have Been Mailed!

The April bills were mailed out yesterday and should arrive in your mailbox within the next day or two.  Please be sure to read the colored inserts we have included with your bill.  There is pertinent information on the conservation stages, water prices, rebates and water saving tips.  We try very hard not to bombard you with junk and to only include information we think our customers will find interesting and helpful.  If you ever have any questions on any of the information we include with your bill, you can always contact us for further information.

The Pine Cove Water District office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road and we are right next to the fire station.  Our phone number is 951-659-2675 and we are open from 9 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  Our mailing address is PO Box 2296, Idyllwild, CA  92549.  We can also be reached by email.  You can send your email to Jerry, Becky or Vicki at  Jerry Holldber is the District Manager, Becky is the Office Manager and Vicki is the Office Assistant.  Any one of us  would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the district, it’s policies and conservation.

In addition, you can visit our website and our blog at 24/7 and find all sorts of helpful information.  We encourage everyone to keep up with what is going on at the water district.  We also have a monthly board meeting and the public is invited to attend.  It is held the second Wednesday of each month and starts at 10 a.m. sharp.  We would look forward to seeing your there and hearing your suggestions.

board meeting audience

Posted in: Billing, Board Meetings, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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Here at the Pine Cove Water District, communication with our customers is a top priority.  We think we do a pretty good job, however, at a recent meeting, we were informed that we need to improve communication with our customers.  With that in mind, we would like to ask your input on our communication methods and what you think we could do better or more of.  Below is a list of the methods we have employed and services we provide thus far.

  • We include a newsletter or information we think our customers will find useful in each billing cycle, which occurs every other month on the even months.
  • Information board in the office with all sorts of helpful tips and information.
  • Winterizing pamphlets that help our customers prepare for the cold weather.
  • Website and blog at and  These are available 24 hours a day and contain a plethora of information on not only the water district, but on a variety of interesting topics that we feel would be helpful to Pine Cove residents.
  • Community Outreach.  We have had a booth at the Earth Fair for several years now as well as the Book Fair at the Idyllwild School.  We also  speak at local meetings and the school when requested.
  • We have worked with the Idyllwild Garden Club as well as a local native plant grower.
  • We work with the Idyllwild Historic Society and have provided them with items to auction off.
  • We work closely with the Pine Cove Property Owners Association and provide information to them for their newsletters and speak at their monthly meetings when asked to do so.
  • We also work closing with the Fire Safe Council and provide them with water district information as well as providing our customers with Fire Safe Council information.
  • We are available by phone and in person Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and we are now open during lunch most days.  Our phone number is 951-659-2675 and our office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the fire station.  Stop in and see us!
  • Free Stuff!  Water conservation kits, mulch and compost are currently available free of charge to help our customers conserve water indoors and out.
  • Public meetings and public hearings.  Our monthly board meetings and any public hearings are open to the public and we encourage our customers to attend.  If you are unable to attend our meetings, you may write a letter to the General Manager or to the Board of Directors and drop it by the office.  Or you can send it to PO Box 2296, Idyllwild, CA  92549.  You can also call the General Manager and voice your concerns.
  • Agendas and minutes for all meetings are posted on our website in case you are unable to attend our meetings.
  • Customer appreciation lunch when the budget allows.
  • Mailbox and paper machines for customer convenience.
  • Mail slot in water district office door for drop off of after hours payments or letters to the district.
  • A Transparency Award by the California Special Leadership District.

So what do you think?  Are we doing enough to let people know what is going on around the district?  What are your ideas?  What would you like to see us doing to keep everyone better informed?  We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  You can leave a message here on the blog, call us, write to us, stop by the office or email us at or or  Talk to us!

Office workers

Posted in: Around the District, Board Meetings, Board Members, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office

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