Posts Tagged container gardens

Raised Bed & Container Gardens

Gardening is a very popular and rewarding past time and is alive and well here on the hill.  We have a local garden club and I personally know many people who just love to garden.  So, as promised, here is a post about raised bed and container gardening.

Gardening here in Pine Cove can be very challenging.  We face a variety of obstacles which included unpredictable weather, plant munching critters such as deer, squirrels and gophers, less than perfect soil and drought conditions.  So what is an avid gardener to do?

Build a raised bed or container garden of course!  I have found this to be the perfect solution to all of the above dilemmas.  Containers come in a large variety of styles, materials, colors and sizes to fit any style of home or garden.  Many plants, including vegetables and fruits, can be grown in containers.  You can also get very creative and create a container garden out of some unusual objects such as metal animal water troughs, old buckets, dressers, wagons, wheelbarrows, wash tubs, old sinks, rain spouting, baskets and many other things.  You can let your imagination run wild!  Here are some pictures to get your creative juices flowing.

Check out my next post for more on raised bed gardening!

Garden wheelbarrow

Container Garden



Water trough container garden

wagon planter

Posted in: Customer Infomation, Edible Landscaping, From the Office, Garden, Uncategorized

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