Posts Tagged conservation

Frugal Friday

Here it is Friday again.  Hope your week was good.  With the weekend ahead of us, it is time to turn our attention to the garden.

Since we will spend the summer in the grips of a drought, now is a good time to review your outside watering needs and do something to reduce them.  How is this frugal you may wonder?  Well, sometimes money well spent can save you money in the long run.   Here are some tips to help you prepare for a long, dry summer and save money in the process.

  • Amend your soil.  This may not seem like a water saving tip at first glance, however, well amended soil absorbs and retains water much better than soil that is not amended.  So if you are going to be watering outside, be sure the soil is in the best shape possible so you get the most out of the water you are putting on your garden.
  • Mulch.  After your soil is in tip top shape, adding a layer of bark mulch will help retain moisture and prevent soil erosion from wind and rain runoff.  The bark mulch will also keep water from splashing up onto plants and will help keep water from running off in downpours.
  • Install soaker hoses or drip irrigation.  If you have a garden or outdoor watering needs, you can use water more wisely by applying it right where the plant needs it.  By laying a soaker hose under the bark mulch, you will let the water slowly seep into the ground and avoid any evaporation at all.  Drip systems deliver water right to where the plant needs it without spraying anything up in the air.  Both of these ways of watering are much more efficient than watering with sprinklers or a hose.
  • Water in the early morning or late in the evening to avoid water evaporating before it gets to the plants.
  • Use water that would otherwise go to waste.  Put a bucket in the shower and collect water while you shower.  Use a basin to scrub veggies instead of washing them under running water and then take the water in the basin out to the garden.  If you have outdoor animals or dogs, put their old water onto the garden instead of just dumping it onto the ground when you are giving them fresh water.
  • Cut back on water use altogether.  Try showering every other day if you aren’t doing dirty work.  Wear clothes twice before laundering, especially in the winter when you aren’t outside getting dirty.  Take shorter showers.  Only run clothes washers and dish washer with full loads.  Compost instead of using a garbage disposal.  Install a low flow toilet and use the mellow yellow rule.

These are just a few ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine to save water. Check the page at the top of the blog for even more ideas on how to save water inside and outside of your home.  Remember using less water is not only good for the environment as well as your pocketbook!


Posted in: Around the District, From the Office, Frugal Friday, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills, Water Conservation

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Free Water Saving Kits!

We are inviting Pine Cove Water District Customers to come in and take advantage of our free Water Saving kits.  We have mentioned this several times before, but it bears repeating.  Any Pine Cove Water District customer can come into the district office during normal business hours and request a water saving kit.  Our office is open on Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.  Just pop in and ask for one of our kits.

What is in these kits you may be asking yourself.  Well, the kit includes an Earth Massage 1.5 GPM showerhead with a two setting massage spray showerhead.  This alone is worth stopping by for the kit.  It doesn’t end there though.  There is also a 1.5 GPM Kitchen Swivel Aerator.  It has dual-spry functionality with wide-spray radius and a water pausing on/off valve.  Then there are not one, but two Bathroom Faucet 1.0 GPM Aerators that deliver half the flow with twice the power!  These are commercial grade aerators for your home.  Also included in the kit is a Toilet Water Saver (Fill Cycle Diverter).  This is a patented water saver that takes excess water from the bowl and diverts it to the tank to reduce water consumption.  This is NOT a flow restricting device.  Finally, there is a packet of Toilet Leak Detection Tablets that are FDA certified, non-toxic dye tablets used to detect leaks in toilets.

So there you have it.  This kit is a great start to reducing water usage in your home.  Each item takes only a couple of minutes to install and will have you saving water and money in no time.   So stop by the office today and pick yours up!

Posted in: Conservation, Customer Infomation, Pine Cove Water District, Water Conservation

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Conserving Water Tips

The Environmental Protection Agency, aka the EPA, has some great tips for saving water on their website.  Here is the link to their website where there are many more links to other websites.

There are lots of tips on saving water for both inside the house as well as out in the garden.   It is definitely worth reading.

Posted in: Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office

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Bills Have Been Mailed!

The April bills were mailed out yesterday and should arrive in your mailbox within the next day or two.  Please be sure to read the colored inserts we have included with your bill.  There is pertinent information on the conservation stages, water prices, rebates and water saving tips.  We try very hard not to bombard you with junk and to only include information we think our customers will find interesting and helpful.  If you ever have any questions on any of the information we include with your bill, you can always contact us for further information.

The Pine Cove Water District office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road and we are right next to the fire station.  Our phone number is 951-659-2675 and we are open from 9 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  Our mailing address is PO Box 2296, Idyllwild, CA  92549.  We can also be reached by email.  You can send your email to Jerry, Becky or Vicki at  Jerry Holldber is the District Manager, Becky is the Office Manager and Vicki is the Office Assistant.  Any one of us  would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the district, it’s policies and conservation.

In addition, you can visit our website and our blog at 24/7 and find all sorts of helpful information.  We encourage everyone to keep up with what is going on at the water district.  We also have a monthly board meeting and the public is invited to attend.  It is held the second Wednesday of each month and starts at 10 a.m. sharp.  We would look forward to seeing your there and hearing your suggestions.

board meeting audience

Posted in: Billing, Board Meetings, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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Stage I Starts Today

Just a quick reminder that we have moved into  Stage I Water Conservation, starting today.   Stage I is voluntary compliance and we have every confidence that Pine Cove Water District customers will rise to the challenge, as they always do!  Many of our customers are now practicing water conservation as a way of life and this is great news.

If you are not sure what all the different water conservation stages entail, please check the top of the blog for the page entitled Water Conservation Stages for more information.  If you have any questions, you can always call us at 951-659-2675 during normal business hours of 9 to 4, Monday through Friday.  Or you can email us at or or drop by the office in person.  It is located at 249217 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the fire station.  Or you can write to us at PO Box 2296,  Idyllwild, CA  92549.

Remember that conserving water today ensures there will be water tomorrow.  We appreciate all the efforts our customers make towards conserving water.

Harvesting the Rain!

Harvesting the Rain!

Posted in: Community, Conservation, Uncategorized, Weather

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April Billing

The sun is shining this morning, however, it is still very cold.  It is currently 36 chilly degrees at 9:30 am.  The weather forecast is calling for temperatures to rise tomorrow, but there is another chance for rain or snow coming on Saturday evening.  The boys will be out and about reading meters today and tomorrow, so let’s hope the weather holds out for them.    April’s bills will go out next week.

Remember, water bills are due by the 25th of the billing month.  If they are not paid by the 10th of the following month, a $15 late fee will be incurred.  If you are having problems paying your water bill, please call Becky at 951-659-2675 during regular business hours.  She will work with you on a solution.  Doing nothing or ignoring your bill will only lead to more problems down the line.  Communication is key!

We bill every other month on the even months.  Your water bill is for 2 months of water usage.  You may pay your bill via check, money order, cash, or with your online banking.  We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards for credit card payments and these can be made in person or over the phone.


Our billing system is not “online” and we cannot do any type of check by phone or auto billing.  We do not retain credit card numbers either.  Once paid, all credit card information is shredded.  Our current management team feels this is the safest way to protect your personal information and privacy.

Be sure to check out the inserts with your April bill.  There is important information regarding our move into a Stage I Water Emergency.  There is information on what each stage entails as well as the tiered water rates for each stage.  We have also included information on our rebate program for water saving appliances as well as 50 Tips to Save Water both indoors and out.   There is lots of good information and you won’t want to miss it.


Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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Sunny Days Ahead

Looks like nothing but sunny days for the next week.  While I wish I could say rain or snow is coming, it just isn’t so.   Now is a good time to get out into your garden and add some compost and mulch to help your soil absorb and retain more water.  That way your outdoor watering will become more efficient and you will use less water.

Summer Sun

We are offering FREE compost and mulch to all Pine Cove Water District customers in order to help them conserve water outside in their gardens.  Yes, you heard right.  FREE!!! You can help yourself as the piles of compost and mulch are located behind the water district garage/workshop right here on Marion Ridge Road.  If you need an exceptionally large amount, such as a dump truck full, please stop by the office or give us a call during regular business hours.  Our phone number is 951-659-2675 and we are open Monday thru Friday from 9 am until 4 pm.  We want to be sure there is enough for everyone, so please be considerate if you plan to take a large amount so that we can make arrangements for that.   Otherwise, just help yourself.

According to Gardening for Dummies, putting down a layer of  mulch in your garden will usually provide the following benefits:

  • Inhibits weed germination and growth. (Weeds are not only unsightly, but they also steal resources from desirable garden plants!)
  • Holds in soil moisture, protecting your plants from drying out quickly
  • Moderates soil-temperature fluctuations (This benefit is especially valuable during that turbulent-weather period in spring when you don’t want your plants to be stressed.)
  • In cold-winter areas, protects plant roots from winter cold and helps prevent frost-heaving, in which plants are literally pushed out of the ground by the natural expansion and contraction of the soil as it cools off and heats up
  • In hot-summer areas, helps keep plant roots cooler
  • Depending on what you use, adds a bit of welcome nutrition to your garden as it breaks down

So come on down and get yours today and make your plants and trees happy and save water in the process.  We also have bluebird houses available to all Pine Cove Water District customers as well.  Pick yours up today.

Wood Chips

Posted in: Compost, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Garden, gardening, Mulch, Rain, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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Nice Week Ahead

Now that  the storm has passed, we are looking at a nice week ahead.  Back to sunshine and 50 degree daytime temps.  While we did get some nice rain over the weekend, the storm did not produce a lot of snow as we had hoped it would.  We are now in March, spring is approaching and while there is always a chance we could still get some snow, the possibility seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer as each day passes by.

While we are not in dire straights water wise just yet,  this winter has been extremely dry and we need to prepare ourselves for a drought situation.  Getting in the habit of conserving water now, both inside and out, will go a long way in helping to ease the pressure on our ground water supplies.  We never know when or if Mother Nature will provide us with adequate moisture, so it is better to be safe than sorry.  It is always a good practice to conserve water regardless of the drought situation or lack there of.  We can never go wrong by using less water any time of the year.

Please feel free to explore our blog and our website for more ideas on how to conserve water around your mountain home.

Summer Sun

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Weather Coming

Some wet weather is finally coming our way.  By the looks of the weather forecast, we should get some rain or snow by the end of this week.  It doesn’t look like much so far, but when it comes to predicting the weather, one never really knows for sure.  Let’s all hope we get more moisture than is predicted as we need it desperately.  This winter has been practically non-existent so far and while these mild and sunny days are certainly enjoyable, they are doing nothing for our water situation.

Conserving water whenever possible is also an important part of our water situation.  Luckily, Pine Covers are very aware, concerned and educated about our water supply and as a result, they are very good about conserving water as much as possible.  If you  aren’t sure how you can reduce your water usage,  we have many water conservation tips here on the blog and on our website at that are useful for conserving water both inside the house as well as outside.

And don’t forget  to turn your water off at your customer valve anytime you leave you mountain home.  This is the best way to prevent damage from a leak when you are not at your mountain home. We also have water conservation kits here at the office.  Stop in and pick one up for your home!


Posted in: Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Frozen Pipes, Water Conservation, Weather

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Public Hearing

At our next board meeting, on March 12, 2014, there will be a public hearing regarding moving into Stage I of water conservation.  The public is invited to attend.  The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. sharp and will take place at the district office, which is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road.  We hope to see you there!

board meeting audience

Posted in: Board Meetings, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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