Posts Tagged clouds

There be Snow

But not very much.  A storm rolled in over night but only left about 1/2″ of snow.   The roads are wet, but clear and there are no closures that we are aware of.   It may snow more today, but at the moment, it is overcast, but nothing more.  It is however, very chilly.  A brisk 27 degrees as recorded by our weather station at the Rocky Point tank site.  They are calling for more snow, but it remains to be seen if it will actually materialize.  Winds are around 5 mph with gusts up to 8 mph and the sun peeks out through the clouds every now and again.

So nothing much to report.  Hope this helps everyone who is off the hill and wanting to drive up.

snow flake

Posted in: Road Conditions, Snow, Storms, Weather

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