Posts Tagged bills

Stage 1 Conservation

The June bills have been mailed and the Stage One water conservation rates will be in effect.  What does this mean for you?  Not much.  Since we use a tiered rate system, the rates in Stage One do not increase until the 18,000 to 24,000 gallon level.  Most customers will not see an increase in their bill unless they use a large amount of water, so most customers will not notice the increase.  If you use less than 18,000 gallons each billing period, your rates will not increase.

Remember, Stage One is voluntary compliance.  We are asking you to conserve water whenever possible.  By conserving water voluntarily now, that means there will be more water later and conserving now could possibly mean that moving into Stage 2 could be delayed or possibly avoided altogether.  Our goal here at the Pine Cove Water District is to be sure that there is always an adequate amount of water for everyone.  If we work together, we can get through these tough water times.

We have water saving kits available here in the office, free to all Pine Cove water customers.  Just stop in and ask for yours today.  Our office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road here in Pine Cove.  We are right next to the fire station.  Our blog and website also offer many excellent tips and suggestions for saving water indoors as well as outdoors.  So we hope you will comply and voluntarily conserve water.


Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Community, Drought, From the Office, Water Bills, Water Conservation

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Bills Have Been Mailed!

The April bills were mailed out yesterday and should arrive in your mailbox within the next day or two.  Please be sure to read the colored inserts we have included with your bill.  There is pertinent information on the conservation stages, water prices, rebates and water saving tips.  We try very hard not to bombard you with junk and to only include information we think our customers will find interesting and helpful.  If you ever have any questions on any of the information we include with your bill, you can always contact us for further information.

The Pine Cove Water District office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road and we are right next to the fire station.  Our phone number is 951-659-2675 and we are open from 9 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  Our mailing address is PO Box 2296, Idyllwild, CA  92549.  We can also be reached by email.  You can send your email to Jerry, Becky or Vicki at  Jerry Holldber is the District Manager, Becky is the Office Manager and Vicki is the Office Assistant.  Any one of us  would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the district, it’s policies and conservation.

In addition, you can visit our website and our blog at 24/7 and find all sorts of helpful information.  We encourage everyone to keep up with what is going on at the water district.  We also have a monthly board meeting and the public is invited to attend.  It is held the second Wednesday of each month and starts at 10 a.m. sharp.  We would look forward to seeing your there and hearing your suggestions.

board meeting audience

Posted in: Billing, Board Meetings, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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