Disaster Ready Guide

Connect & Protect

Think about who you want to connect with during an emergency. Write down their names and contact information. Include home, work, school, and other numbers. Share copies with everyone on your list. Also, during a disaster, try texting if local phone calls can’t get through.

Evacuation Action

If you are not safe at home, work , or school due to a disaster, you will need to go to a safe place and meet up with people you care about. It’s hard to know ahead of time where these safe places might be. These places might change based on the kind of emergency you face.
1. Follow the guidance of local authorities.
2. Learn different ways to get out of your community fast.
3. Be ready to go to your safe place.

Go Bag: Pack Ahead

Most disasters are unexpected and happen fast. You might not have time to shop, or even to pack. Pack up important items now, so you and your family will have what you need later.
– Documents, cash, map, medication list, contact list, wallet or purse, keys, phone and charger, flashlight, first aid supplies, portable computer, etc.

Important Items

In some disasters, you may be safer staying at home. Damage from the disaster might make that uncomfortable. You might not have water to drink, to bathe or to flush the toilet. You might have no electricity to keep your food cold, turn on a light, or charge your phone. Add items to a Stay Box, for when you can’t leave home. Prepare for a least 3 days without water or electricity. Save up a little at a time, until you have enough for everyone in your household to get by. Remember any pets.
Include items like: water, food, trash bags, and any other important items you can think of.

Safety Tips

1.Get alerts to know what to do.
2. Make a plan to protect your people
3. Get to safety with things you need
4. Stay safe at home when you can’t leave
5. Help friends and neighbors get ready

Plan Ahead

Disasters are challenging for everyone. Each of us has a different needs in preparing for a disaster. You, or someone you care about, can benefit from planning ahead. Think now about ways to make the experience safe and comfortable for all.

Step by Step Safety Calendar

Week 1:
Pack a Go Bag for each person in your household.

Week 2:
Create your Connect & Protect plan for family, neighbors, caregivers.
Talk about your plans with people on your list.

Week 3:
Learn different evacuation routes and mark them on a map.

Week 4:
Start packing a Stay Box to be safe and comfortable at home.
Do a little at a time, until you feel ready.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, Freebies, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Weather

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October Billing

Hello Residents of Pine Cove!

October billing (due November 1, 2024) is going out. If you get emailed bills, you may have already received yours. The mailing included our updated Newsletter which you can view here, as well as Winterizing tips which you can read about here.

The bi-monthly minimum is $80.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$8.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$10.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$12.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

(Because we weren’t able to read meters last billing cycle due to snow, the gallons of usage is doubled in this billing period.)

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to www.pcwd.org and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the www.ub-pay.com link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Upcoming Events, Water Bills, Winter, winterizing

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Green Housing Construction

When building or modifying a home keep sound environmental practices in mind. Green construction improves energy efficiency, resource conservation, indoor air quality, and protects the health of your family. In addition to helping the environment, a “green” house can save you money and provide you with a healthier, quieter, and more comfortable home.

Generally building greener involves one or more of the following:

  • Planning to preserve the natural envrionment
  • Site development which reduces erosion, minimizes paves surfaces, and protects vegetation
  • Water conservation indoors and outdoors
  • Energy efficiency
  • Using recyclable materials and air conditioning costs

Permeable Surfaces
Permeable surfaces such as decomposed (crushed) granite, broken concrete, gravel, mulch and grass or other plants allow water to pass through and soak into the soil beneath, as opposed to running off your yard and contributing to stormwater pollution and flooding.

What You Can Do:

  • Use bricks, stones, broken concrete, crushed granite or gravel for driveways, paths, and patios.
  • Use a contractor who knows and follows regulations concerning construction runoff. Even a small remodel can contribute a large amount of gravel, dirt, and hazardous materials to the storm drain system.
  • Investigate the installation of a ‘gray water’ system – to collect your household’s washing water for re-use in the landscape or for flushing toilets – with your local building department officials to determine if they allow residential use of reclaimed water.

What You Can Do (to increase sustainability in your home):

  • Add insulation to your home.
  • Use innovative, engineered wood products
  • Use recycled – content building materials whenever possible and ask your contractor to recycle their demolition waste.
  • Use adhesives, paints, and cleaners with low volatile organic compounds (VOC) to reduce indoor air pollution.
  • Use light colored roofing to reduce home heat absorption, or consider new “green roofs.”
  • Use double-glazed windows to save on heating and air conditioning costs.
  • When building a house use the sun. Orient your house and plan your landscaping to take advantage of winter sun and summer shade.
  • Use ceiling fans, whole house fans, and attic ventilation to affordably keep your home comfortable.

Choose a smart sprinkler controller for your home

  • A smart sprinkler controller automatically adjusts irrigation schedules in response to changing weather conditions.
  • They are also called “weather-based irrigation controllers.”
  • Smart controllers are a new technology and can be difficult to find.
    For more information log onto www.bewaterwise.com for a listing of manufacturers & websites.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Homesteading, Pine Cove Water District, Recycling, Uncategorized

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Closed for Labor Day

The Pine Cove Water District office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in honor of Labor Day.  We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9 a.m.  If you have a water emergency, there will be someone on call.  You can call the office and listen to the recorded message or call 951-294-8282, which is our emergency number.  Remember, this number is for true water emergencies only.  Please wait until Tuesday to call about an other water issues.  Our normal business hours will continue Tuesday through Friday, from 9 am until 4 pm.
Happy Labor Day!!!

Labor Day: What it Means

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

The form that the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations” of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families.

More information can be found at https://www.dol.gov/general/laborday/history

Celebrate Safely

The American Red Cross regularly puts out safety precautions and as this coming weekend is going to be another hot one, there are additional precautions to consider.

  • Stay hydrated with water
  • If traveling; check on road conditions, buckle up, slow down, and don’t drink and drive
  • Designate a driver who won’t drink or plan on staying where you are celebrating
  • Carry a Disaster Supply Kit
  • Don’t let your vehicle’s gas tank get too low
  • Check with weather alerts before doing any BBQing
  • Grills should only be used outdoors
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Avoid dark colors because they absorb the sun’s rays
  • Have outdoor activities and games at a time when it’s not so hot
  • Apply sunscreen before you head out in the sun and reapply as necessary

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Holidays, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events, Weekend

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What Causes the Most Problems in a Landscape?

  1. Soil Compaction
  2. Overwatering

Remember, air space and water space should each take up about 25% of a soil’s volume.

Soil compaction squishes these spaces, and overwatering fills the spaces up with water. Symptoms include increased disease incidence, shallow rooting of plants, nutrient deficiencies, and wasteful water runoff. In other words, a sick and wasteful landscape!

Fun Fact: Overwatering actually causes more damage than underwatering! It also encourages weed growth.


Easy! Cut back on the watering. You’ll have a healthier landscape if you cut back on the days you water rather than reducing the watering time each day of watering. Soil needs a period of time to dry down (thus creating those important air spaces). Don’t water the same all year long, be sure to change your irrigation schedule throughout the year. Aim to water in the early morning hours to minimize evaporation and wind drift. It is also key to know your soil, know your plants, know your sprinklers, and know your maximum run time for each zone.

Soil Compaction:
Not so easy. If you have a new landscape of bare soil, you can successfully add organic soil amendment to the top six to eight inches. If your landscape is established with plants, you can aerate the soil with spikes or tines (basically poking holes in the soil), but this can damage soil critter networks and the soil aggregates they have formed. Tilling the soil is even worse. The best thing to do is periodically add mulch to the surface of your soil. It will take time (many months), but it will greatly enhance the soil without destroying the soil critters and their networks. To prevent compaction, avoid walking on soil, especially when wet. The soil can squish and stay that way.

Posted in: Around the District, Compost, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Garden, The Garden

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Summer Self Care Checklist

  1. Ditch the couch and relax outdoors. Grab a blanket or lawn chair and something to read and set up camp on a shady patch of grass.
  2. Go for a stroll. A long walk can be a great way to clear your head and enjoy a warm summer afternoon. You can also grab a friend and get your exercise while catching up.
  3. Explore your local farmer’s market. Take advantage of seasonal produce and local vendors. A trip to the farmer’s market can be a great opportunity to try new foods and incorporate healthier options into your diet.
  4. Start a garden or join a community garden. Gardening can be a nice way to meditate, enjoy the outdoors and get some sunshine. It can also serve as a bonding time with your family or a way to make new friends. And at the end of the day, you can enjoy the literal fruits (and vegetables) of your labor!
  5. Tidy one small space. Perhaps a drawer or the top of your desk – even having one space clean and free of clutter can help you feel calmer.
  6. Make a summer feel-good playlist. Bring on the summer tunes! Music can be an effortless way to improve your mood and motivate you to get moving. Bonus points for listening while exercising or cleaning.
  7. Have a picnic. Enjoying a meal outside can be an easy way to get some fresh air and sunshine and shake up your daily routine.
  8. Try a new exercise. Getting those endorphins flowing can help calm your mind and improve your mood. Think about doing something outdoors like hiking, tennis or swimming. Just don’t forget your sunscreen and bug spray!
  9. Look for things going on in your community. Search online or in the newspaper for events going on around town. Consider outdoor movies, yard sales, festivals, farmer’s markets, concerts or dance classes. Making fun plans can help you feel excited and give you something to look forward to.
  10. Start or continue a journal. Writing can be a great way to express how you feel and check-in with your emotions. Or, it can just be a place to doodle or draw. Make it whatever you need.
  11. Reconnect with someone. Call an old friend – or even a grandparent or parent.
  12. Do an at-home spa day. Taking a bubble bath, using a face mask or doing a DIY pedicure can all be affordable ways to help yourself feel cared for. A candle, essential oils and relaxing tunes can all add to the spa vibe.
  13. Go exploring. Pull up a map and find a new area of town that you haven’t been to yet.
  14. Practice mindfulness. Try meditation or make a list of 10 things you are thankful for.
  15. Do a needs assessment. How did your last week go? Is there anything you could do to make next week better? Maybe you need more sleep, more social time or to prepare some healthy meals before your next busy week. Take a moment to reflect and think about how you can make time for whatever you need to best care for yourself.

Use these ideas to make your own self-care checklist this summer. Even small changes to your routine can improve your self-care practice and overall mood. Focus on new ways you can be active, get outside and get involved with your community. Make this summer a season of self-care.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, The Garden, Uncategorized, Weather, Weekend

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Heat Safety Tips for Working in Hot Weather Conditions

Maintaining good self-care practices as you carry out work activities can positively impact your health and work productivity. Professionals who work outside often can benefit from using heat safety tips to stay well-hydrated and energized throughout the workday. By reviewing heat safety tips, you can better prepare yourself for working outside during heat waves or hot weather and promote heat safety among your coworkers.

What is heat safety?

Heat safety is the process by which people take precautions to maintain their body temperatures during hot weather. It’s important to understand heat safety because it can help you prevent instances of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and other types of heat-related illnesses.

Your ability to take preventative measures to care for yourself and those around you during heat waves or outdoor work activities can also influence your productivity when working outside.

Know the signs of heat-related illness

When working in the heat, it’s also important to understand the signs of heat-related illnesses in yourself and those around you so you can take action and prevent more serious illnesses. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Flushed face
  • Feelings of fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Over-sweating

In contrast, signs of heat stroke, the next phase after exhaustion, include:

  • Little-to-no sweating
  • Rapid pulse
  • Confusion
  • Inability to speak properly
  • Above-average body temperatures

18 heat safety tips

Review these 18 heat safety tips to stay healthy while working outside in hot conditions:

1. Wear light-colored and light-weighted clothing

If you don’t have to wear a specific uniform or protective gear for your job, try to wear light-colored clothing in shades like white, gray or any pastel colors rather than black or navy blue. This is because darker-colored clothing absorbs more heat, so light-colored clothing can help you stay cooler for longer. Similarly, light-weighted clothing can help you stay cool and more comfortable when working in the heat. An example of this would include wearing linen pants over denim jeans.

2. Drink plenty of water before and during working

Make sure you drink plenty of water before you start your workday as it ensures you’re hydrated enough to acclimate to the heat. Throughout the workday, drink water regularly to prevent dehydration. You can make sure you drink enough water by bringing one or more large water bottles that are insulated to keep your drinks cool.

3. Shorten work times with frequent breaks

Shortening work times and interspersing them with breaks can help you conserve your energy, rehydrate and cool down before continuing work. For example, a roofing company schedules work activities in 30-minute increments followed by a 10-15 minute break for employees. These breaks can help you assess your health and look for symptoms that the heat is affecting you.

4. Apply sunscreen throughout the day

Another important aspect of heat safety includes preventing extensive sun exposure and sunburns. You can do this by applying sunscreen to your face, ears, neck, arms and any other visible skin. Refer to the instructions on the sunscreen label to determine how often you need to reapply.

5. Wear a hat to prevent direct sun exposure

Wearing a hat can help prevent direct sun exposure while keeping you cool. When working outside, you can benefit from wearing a wide-brimmed hat with a loose fit over something like a baseball cap, as it shades all sides of your face and neck. This can also be a great way to prevent sunburns.

6. Stay in shaded or partially shaded areas as much as possible

When working in the heat, it’s important to ‌limit the amount of time you’re in the sun as much as you can. You can do this by setting up work tents or umbrellas or standing in the shade of trees or buildings during work breaks. This reduces sun exposure and heat exposure.

7. Refrain from drinking fluids other than water

Other fluids like soda or coffee can potentially cause dehydration, so it’s best to drink water when working in hot weather. Your water intake also helps sweat production, which helps you maintain your average body temperature. If you ‌ bring another type of beverage to work, try to drink an equal amount of water with it.

8. Use a cooling cloth

A cool washcloth, ice pack or specialized cooling cloth on the back of your neck can help you maintain your body temperature and provide relief when working outside in hot weather. It may be useful to bring several cooling cloths and keep them in your icebox or cooler when not in use. By doing this, you have a supply to use while working in the heat all day and can maintain your body temperature.

9. Eat smaller portions of food throughout the workday

When working in hot conditions, it’s helpful to eat light meals frequently to ensure you maintain your energy levels while refraining from causing discomfort or stomach aches. Good options include foods high in nutrients and with a high water concentration. If you’re able to take breaks, this is good for rest and provides time to get a snack.

10. Pace yourself

When working in hot weather, it’s helpful to pace yourself so you can maintain similar energy levels throughout the workday. Try to work at a steady pace throughout the day so you’re not completing more work during a certain time period or rushing to finish your work. Start activities slowly and take breaks when needed. This can help you avoid overexertion.

11. Check the weather each day

Another good heat safety tip is to prepare for working in the heat in advance. This means reviewing weather reports and referencing the heat index. If you live in a humid climate, it may also help to look at the humidity levels for the day. By understanding weather conditions, you can take extra precautions like wearing the right clothes, taking adequate breaks and working during lower temperature points during the day.

12. Try to take breaks in air-conditioned areas if possible

It’s important to ‌rest in air-conditioned areas as often as you can to ensure you give your body time to cool down before going back outside to work. This could include an air-conditioned store, restaurant or office building. Sitting in an air-conditioned car is another good option if there aren’t any buildings around the area where you’re working.

13. Complete outdoor work in the early mornings and evenings

If you operate your own business or work as a sole proprietor, you can try to schedule work activities for the mornings and evenings. This way, you avoid working during the hottest point of the day. You can also suggest this safety tip to your manager to see if it’s possible to change the work schedule.

14. Condition yourself to work in the heat and maintain your tolerance

If you haven’t worked outside for extensive periods of time before, it’s helpful to condition yourself to tolerate working in hot conditions before completing full work days in the heat. Much like learning to exercise in the heat, you also need to build your heat tolerance to work. This also means spending small amounts of time outside, even when you have a day off from work, to help you maintain your heat tolerance.

15. Set timers to make sure you take breaks and stay hydrated

Setting timers prevents you from losing track of time and spending too much time in the heat without water, food or shade breaks. For example, each time you finish a bottle of water, you set a timer for 20 minutes to remind yourself to get a refill. Another example would include setting a timer for one hour and immediately taking a break when the timer goes off.

16. Stop working if you experience heat illness symptoms

If you start to feel unwell as you work in the heat, make sure you communicate how you feel to your coworkers or direct superior and take a break in a shaded or air-conditioned area. This could include feelings of nausea, dizziness, cramping, headaches or fatigue. Taking a break immediately can give you an opportunity to recover from your symptoms before they become an issue.

17. Use fans to circulate airflow

You can use large fans connected to generators or nearby power sources to circulate airflow in your workspace. This doesn’t cool the air down, but it can provide a refreshing breeze as you work in hot conditions. Airflow can also improve breathing conditions and help you to stay energized.

18. Rest indoors after work to help your body cool down

Once your workday ends, you can promote your health and well-being by taking time to rest indoors, in a preferably air-conditioned or cool space. This means refraining from additional outdoor activities to give your body time to properly cool down. Resting inside limits your sun and heat exposure and helps maintain your body for the next day of work.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Weather

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August Billing

Hello Residents of Pine Cove!

August billing (due September 1, 2024) has gone out. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

The bi-monthly minimum is $80.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$8.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$10.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$12.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to www.pcwd.org and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the www.ub-pay.com link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Water Bills

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