October Billing

October bills have been mailed out. If you have not received your bill by today, please call us for a duplicate bill.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your water bill, please feel free to call us during normal business hours and we will be happy to discuss your bill with you.  Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. As always, the bills are due on the 25th of the month.  Paying your water bill on time prevents the addition of a $15 late fee to your account. We will be closed this Monday, October 10th in observance of Columbus Day and will return to the office Tuesday the 11th.

Please remember when you leave your mountain home, to turn your water off at your customer valve, next to the meter, at the street. We have many new owners in the District. If you are unsure of the location of your customer valve, please call the office 951-659-2675.

Have a good Weekend!!!

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Postal Count

The USPS will be doing a postal count from the blue postal box in front of Pine Cove Water District. The count will begin tomorrow, September 10th, Saturday, September 17th and the last 2 weeks of September. They need at least 25 pieces of mail per day to justify the postal box. So, please if you have mail, use the blue box in front of our office.

Thank you

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Are you prepared for the nearing winter weather?

Winterize Your Home:

With just a few steps, you can head off unexpected repairs and boost your home’s energy efficiency so you save money all year long.

According to: www.ready.gov/winter-weather
  • Winterize your home to extend the life of your fuel supply by insulating walls and attics, caulking and weather-stripping doors and windows, and installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic. The simple act of installing a storm door can increase energy efficiency by 45%, by sealing drafts and reducing air flow.
  • Winterize your house, barn, shed or any other structure that may provide shelter for your family, neighbors, livestock or equipment. Clear rain gutters; repair roof leaks and cut away tree branches that could fall on a house or other structure during a storm.
  • Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected every year. Check the chimney. Your chimney doesn’t necessarily need to be swept every single year, but it does need an annual inspection. Wood stoves, however, should be swept more often — as soon as they’ve accumulated a quarter of an inch of creosote.
  • Insulate pipes with insulation or newspapers and plastic and allow faucets to drip a little during cold weather to avoid freezing. Running water, even at a trickle, helps prevent pipes from freezing.
  • All fuel-burning equipment should be vented to the outside and kept clear.
  • Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone in your house knows how to use them. House fires pose an additional risk, as more people turn to alternate heating sources without taking the necessary safety precautions.
  • Learn how to shut off water valves (in case a pipe bursts).
  • Insulate your home by installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic from the inside to keep cold air out.
  • Reverse ceiling fans. Ceiling fans aren’t only for summertime cooling. Now’s the time to reverse ceiling fans (look for a small switch on the body of the fan) to turn clockwise and recirculate warm air downward.
  • Trim trees. Trim tree branches near your windows, roof, or parking areas before the weight of winter ice and snow can cause them to snap.

Winter heating costs can double if your windows are poorly insulated, your plumbing breaks, or if the heating system is out-of-date. Ensuring your home is ready for winter can save you time and money.


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Summer News

We hope that everyone is enjoying their summer, even though we haven’t had a lot of moisture.  Maybe this weekend, so keep your fingers crossed!

August billing will go out on 8/3/2016.  Please read the informational inserts with your bill.  Now is the perfect time to abate your yard and prepare for fire season, which really is all year long.  Also, if you haven’t ordered your address number plaque from the Pine Cove Fire Station, please do!  They are free to CSA 38 service area customers (Pine Cove).  You will be happy to have your address displayed should the fire department or ambulance need to find you.

For everyone that attended our 60th Anniversary BBQ at Dutch Flats, thank you for coming!  This year’s bbq was by far the largest we’ve had!  It’s nice to see such a great turn out!


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District News


To date, 25.15 inches of rain/melted snow and 31 inches of snow has been recorded for the season. Not quite the El Nino we anticipated, however, every little bit helps.

Customer Appreciation BBQ / Our 60th Anniversary:

Please join us for our 60th Anniversary & Customer Appreciation BBQ on June 11th, 2016 at 11:00 am at Dutch Flats on Franklin Drive in Pine Cove.

Help us celebrate 60 years of dedicated service to our customers. Jerry’s famous BBQ Tri-tip sliders, salads, desserts, soda & water will be served. We will also serve chicken & vegetarian entrees.

Please RSVP to: becky@pcwd.org or amy@pcwd.org or call the office at 951-659-2675.

Hope to see you all there!!!

Public Hearing:

A Public hearing is scheduled for June 8th regarding the parcel fee AKA the standby fee. We encourage all customers who own an unimproved lot to attend and welcome comments or concerns.

We encourage everyone to keep up with what is going on at the water district.  We also have a monthly board meeting and the public is invited to attend.  It is held the second Wednesday of each month and starts at 10 a.m. sharp.  We would look forward to seeing your there and hearing all suggestions.


We send out water bills every other month on the even months.  So June is the next billing month.

We accept cash, checks and Visa, MasterCard or Discover cards.  We can take a credit card payment over the phone or at the counter, however, there is a $2.50 fee that is charged by the company that processes the payments for us.  You can also pay your water bill through your online banking.

If you are a renter, you can always call the office to obtain balance information.  All water bills are kept in the homeowners name and it is up to the landlord and tenant to make arrangements on how the water bills are handled.

We greatly appreciate you paying your bill in a timely manner and paying on time prevents a late fee of $15 from being added to your bill.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding you billing or any other District business,  please contact us during normal business hours by phone, email, or stop in the office.

Phone:  951-659-2675

Office: 24917 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the fire station

Email: becky@pcwd.org

Office Hours: 9 am to 4 pm,  Monday through Friday.


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February Billing


Everyone should have received their water bills by now. Please note that the advanced minimum went from $57 to $60. The increase was approved by a Resolution on 4/1/2015 and adds an extra $1.50 per month. The price per tier has not increased.

If you are a renter you can always call us and find out what the amount due is. All water bills are kept in the homeowners name and it is up to the landlord and tenant to make arrangements on how the water bill are handled.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your water bill, please feel free to call us during normal business hours and we will be happy to discuss your bill with you.  Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. As always, the bills are due on the 25th of the month.  Paying your water bill on time prevents the addition of a $15 late fee to your account.  You can pay your bill in several ways. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash or credit card.  You can send a check by mail.  You can also pay by credit card over the phone or you can pay via your online banking. We also have a slot in the door if you want to drop your payment off after hours.  It is secure and no one can get your payment once you push it through the door slot.


No change from last week. 18.78 inches of rain/snow and 23.5 inches of snow. According to the 10 day weather forecast, there is no snow or rain predicted throughout the week into the weekend. We should have warm, sunny weather!!!

Sun - Free image


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Epidemic West Nile Levels Reported

According to The Press Enterprise, California experienced 45 deaths from the West Nile virus and 737 confirmed cases of infection in 2015. Many factors explain why California reached epidemic levels last year including drought. During a drought, urban water runoff is not flushed from, or out of, underground storm water systems. Experts also confirm that a drought leaves fewer water sources for mosquito breeding. Heavy rainfall can flush out stagnant water and help control the mosquito population.

Some Typical Symptoms:

  • High Fever
  • Stiff Neck
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes
  • Headache
  • Joint Pain

Young children, the elderly, and those with lowered or compromised immune systems are at greater risk of experiencing serious symptoms after infection. Prevention and protection is key in reducing you and your families risk of getting bitten.

Prevention Tips:

  • When weather permits, wear long sleeves, pants, and socks when outside.
  • Use an EPA repellent spray that contains DEET.
  • Install or repair window screens on all doors and windows.
  • Remove/empty all standing water around your property.

To report mosquito issues, neglected pools, or sick/dead birds call Vector Control at 951-340-9792


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Winter Weather!!!

A series of storms are expected to bless our mountain with much needed rain and snow this week. Please prevent leaks and broken pipes by turning your water off at your customer valve located next to the meter at the street.  If you do not know where your customer valve is or how to turn it off, please give us a call during normal business hours 9 am – 4 pm Monday – Friday and we will send someone over to help you locate your valve and show you how to turn it off and on. BE PREPARED!!!

Sand Bags:

We have free sandbags available to our customers here in the front office!!! If you come during normal business hours, we have sand and a sand scoop you are welcome to use.

Detailed Forecast:

Today – Showers – Precipitation 50%

Tuesday – Rain – Precipitation 100%

Wednesday – Snow – Precipitation 100%

Thursday – Snow – Precipitation 70%

Friday – AM Snow Showers – Precipitation 40%

Saturday – PM Snow Showers – Precipitation 30%

Sunday – Rain/Snow – Precipitation 60%

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call or stop by the office. 24917 Marion Ridge Road (next door to the fire department). 951-659-2675

snowflake 1


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The Pine Cove Water District needs your help!

Our water demand is at least twice the amount it should be during the Winter months.  Why?  Because some customers did not shut their water off when they left Pine Cove.  Last week, we had temperatures as low as 14 degrees at night, and highs were not above 30 degrees.  When the temperatures rose, pipes thawed and water began flowing.


If you see or hear water running, be the 1st to call it in, and you can earn a $25.00 reward, to a restaurant of your choice in Idyllwild.


Office:                       951-659-2675

After Hours:            951-294-8282

Jerry’s Home:          951-659-4936


Thank you for your help!!


Jerry Holldber

General Manager


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