Archive for Weekend

Happy Spring from PCWD!

As we welcome the season of renewal, the Water District would like to take a moment to wish all of our customers a very Happy Spring! This season brings fresh blooms, warmer days, and a renewed sense of energy as nature comes alive.

As we enter this season, we are reminded of the importance of conserving water and being mindful of our resources. Spring is a great time to refresh your water-saving habits, whether it’s adjusting your irrigation system, using water-efficient appliances, or simply being more conscious of your water use.

Thank you for being a part of our community and for helping to keep our water supply healthy and sustainable. Here’s to a wonderful Spring full of growth, gratitude, and a bright future for all of us!

Stay safe, stay hydrated, and enjoy the season! 🌸💧

With appreciation,
Pine Cove Water District

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Closed for Presidents Day

Pine Cove Water District will be closed Monday February 17, 2025 in observation of Presidents Day.

We will be back open the following day, Tuesday February 18, 2025 at 9am to assist with any questions or needs. In the meantime, if you have a water emergency please contact our after hours number at
(951) 294-8282

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How to Turn Off Your Water

A water leak, planned work on your sprinkler system, venturing away from home, or an emergency may necessitate turning off the water to your home. Do you, and everyone in your household, know how to turn off the water to your home? The information below guides you on locating and turning off your water by utilizing the “house valve” aka “customer valve.”

Locating your house valve

  1. Your house valve is typically outside your home and may be located in the front, on the side or in the backyard.
  2. Locate the hose bib (outside faucet) next to your home that is mounted on a pipe coming up from the ground. (See Photo)
  3. The house valve is located on that pipe between the ground and the hose bib.

Operating your house valve

Your house valve can be one of two types: a gate valve or a ball valve.

  • Gate valves close by turning the wheel clockwise until the water is off.
  • Ball valves close by turning the straight handle a quarter turn clockwise until the water if off.
  • To verify the water is off, turn on the hose bib next to the house valve. As you turn the house valve off, the water from the hose bib should stop.
  • To turn the water back on, either turn the gate valve counterclockwise or turn the ball valve a quarter turn counterclockwise.

You may want to attach a tag or label to your house valve for quick identification so that you and the members of your household can find it even in the dark.

Everyone in your home should know how to shut off the water to your home. In the event of an emergency, such as an earthquake or an unexpected winter freeze, you may want to turn off the water supply to your home to prevent water damage to your property. Take a few minutes to locate and learn how to operate your house valve.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, Freebies, From the Office, Leaks, Pine Cove Water District, Snow, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events, Water Conservation, Weather, Weekend, winterizing

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Veteran’s Day Closure

THANK YOU to ALL who have served. We APPRECIATE your SERVICE!

The Pine Cove Water District office will be closed Monday, November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day.

We will reopen with normal hours Tuesday the 12th.

If you have a water emergency please call (951)-294-8282

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Simple Ways to Save Water During the Holidays

The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is approaching! Time for decorating, baking, and celebrating with your household. While you might be putting final touches together, or maybe you are still in the early stages, one thing you may or may have not thought about is water.

The consumption of this precious resource can often be overlooked when preparing your favorite holiday dishes, but water plays a huge role in the kitchen, from food preparation to the clean-up process.

Here are some simple ways to save water while preparing your favorite holiday meals:

Defrosting Frozen Foods

Leaving the faucet on to defrost a frozen ham or turkey will waste a ton of water. It can cause quite the dent in your water bill, too. Instead, let your frozen items defrost overnight in the fridge.

Rinse Veggies and Fruits

Fill a large bowl or pan with water to rinse vegetables and fruits rather than running the tap. This water can be reused to water your garden or any indoor plants you may have around the house.

Food Scraps

Don’t use your garbage disposal to discard food waste after holiday meals. Toss scraps into the garbage can or save those leaves, rinds, and stems for making compost. Not only will you save water, but the compost can later be used to fertilize your garden.


If you have a dishwasher, use it. Washing full loads of dishes saves 5-15 gallons per load and uses significantly less water than washing by hand.

Inspect for Leaks

Inspect your bathroom fixtures for malfunctions and leaks before your guests arrive. During the holidays, bathrooms are likely to experience heavier usage than normal which can lead to more issues. Fixing a leak as small as the tip of a ball point pen can save up to 110 gallons!

For more water saving tips that you can use year-round visit

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Closed for Labor Day

The Pine Cove Water District office will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in honor of Labor Day.  We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3rd at 9 a.m.  If you have a water emergency, there will be someone on call.  You can call the office and listen to the recorded message or call 951-294-8282, which is our emergency number.  Remember, this number is for true water emergencies only.  Please wait until Tuesday to call about an other water issues.  Our normal business hours will continue Tuesday through Friday, from 9 am until 4 pm.
Happy Labor Day!!!

Labor Day: What it Means

Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

The form that the observance and celebration of Labor Day should take was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday — a street parade to exhibit to the public “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations” of the community, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families.

More information can be found at

Celebrate Safely

The American Red Cross regularly puts out safety precautions and as this coming weekend is going to be another hot one, there are additional precautions to consider.

  • Stay hydrated with water
  • If traveling; check on road conditions, buckle up, slow down, and don’t drink and drive
  • Designate a driver who won’t drink or plan on staying where you are celebrating
  • Carry a Disaster Supply Kit
  • Don’t let your vehicle’s gas tank get too low
  • Check with weather alerts before doing any BBQing
  • Grills should only be used outdoors
  • Wear loose-fitting, lightweight, light-colored clothing. Avoid dark colors because they absorb the sun’s rays
  • Have outdoor activities and games at a time when it’s not so hot
  • Apply sunscreen before you head out in the sun and reapply as necessary

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Summer Self Care Checklist

  1. Ditch the couch and relax outdoors. Grab a blanket or lawn chair and something to read and set up camp on a shady patch of grass.
  2. Go for a stroll. A long walk can be a great way to clear your head and enjoy a warm summer afternoon. You can also grab a friend and get your exercise while catching up.
  3. Explore your local farmer’s market. Take advantage of seasonal produce and local vendors. A trip to the farmer’s market can be a great opportunity to try new foods and incorporate healthier options into your diet.
  4. Start a garden or join a community garden. Gardening can be a nice way to meditate, enjoy the outdoors and get some sunshine. It can also serve as a bonding time with your family or a way to make new friends. And at the end of the day, you can enjoy the literal fruits (and vegetables) of your labor!
  5. Tidy one small space. Perhaps a drawer or the top of your desk – even having one space clean and free of clutter can help you feel calmer.
  6. Make a summer feel-good playlist. Bring on the summer tunes! Music can be an effortless way to improve your mood and motivate you to get moving. Bonus points for listening while exercising or cleaning.
  7. Have a picnic. Enjoying a meal outside can be an easy way to get some fresh air and sunshine and shake up your daily routine.
  8. Try a new exercise. Getting those endorphins flowing can help calm your mind and improve your mood. Think about doing something outdoors like hiking, tennis or swimming. Just don’t forget your sunscreen and bug spray!
  9. Look for things going on in your community. Search online or in the newspaper for events going on around town. Consider outdoor movies, yard sales, festivals, farmer’s markets, concerts or dance classes. Making fun plans can help you feel excited and give you something to look forward to.
  10. Start or continue a journal. Writing can be a great way to express how you feel and check-in with your emotions. Or, it can just be a place to doodle or draw. Make it whatever you need.
  11. Reconnect with someone. Call an old friend – or even a grandparent or parent.
  12. Do an at-home spa day. Taking a bubble bath, using a face mask or doing a DIY pedicure can all be affordable ways to help yourself feel cared for. A candle, essential oils and relaxing tunes can all add to the spa vibe.
  13. Go exploring. Pull up a map and find a new area of town that you haven’t been to yet.
  14. Practice mindfulness. Try meditation or make a list of 10 things you are thankful for.
  15. Do a needs assessment. How did your last week go? Is there anything you could do to make next week better? Maybe you need more sleep, more social time or to prepare some healthy meals before your next busy week. Take a moment to reflect and think about how you can make time for whatever you need to best care for yourself.

Use these ideas to make your own self-care checklist this summer. Even small changes to your routine can improve your self-care practice and overall mood. Focus on new ways you can be active, get outside and get involved with your community. Make this summer a season of self-care.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, The Garden, Uncategorized, Weather, Weekend

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Summer Tips

As we all head outside to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather this summer, the American Red Cross offers 20 steps you can follow to help keep you safe.

Do your plans include a road trip?

With more people on the roads, it’s important to drive safely.

1.     Be well rested and alert, use your seat belts, observe speed limits and follow the rules of the road.

2.     If you plan on drinking alcohol, designate a driver who won’t drink.

3.     Avoid distractions such as cell phones.

4.     Use caution in work zones. There are lots of construction projects underway.

5.     Turn your headlights on as dusk approaches, or during inclement weather. Don’t overdrive your headlights.

Drowning can happen quickly and silently. Unless rescued, it could take as little as 20 to 60 seconds for a drowning person to submerge.

6.     Prevent unsupervised access to water, provide constant, active adult supervision and know how to swim.

7.     Swim in an area with lifeguards.

8.     Designate a “water watcher” whose sole responsibility is to keep a close eye and constant attention on everyone in and around the water until the next water watcher takes over.

9.     Don’t just pack it, wear your life jacket — always on a boat and if you are in a situation beyond your skill level.

10.  Reach or throw, don’t go! In the event of an emergency, reach or throw an object to the person in trouble and tell them to grab on to it. Don’t go in! You could become a victim yourself.

Summer is a great time for a picnic. But be careful grilling, which causes 10,000 home fires every year.

11.  Wash your hands, utensils and workstation before preparing the food.

12.  Separate uncooked meats, poultry and seafood from ready-to-eat foods like salads, fruits, vegetables, cheeses and desserts. Use separate plates and utensils to prevent cross-contamination.

13.  Always supervise a barbecue grill when in use and never grill indoors. Keep the grill out in the open, away from the house, deck, tree branches or anything that could catch fire.

14.  Make sure everyone, including pets, stays away from the grill.

15.  Don’t leave food out in the hot sun. Keep perishable foods in a cooler with plenty of ice or freezer gel packs. 

Camping is one of the most popular outdoor recreational activities in the U.S. But being prepared for emergencies is critical when you’re headed to an area with limited access to phone services and help.

16.  Know the level of ability of the people in your group and the environment around you. Plan accordingly.

17.  Pack a first aid kit to handle insect stings, sprains, cuts and bruises and other injuries that could happen.

18.  Sprains and falls are some of the most common misfortunes travelers may face. Dehydration is also a danger. Take a Red Cross first aid and CPR/AED course and download the free First Aid app so that you will know what to do in case help is delayed.

19.  Share your travel plans and locations with a family member, neighbor or friend.

20.  Bring nutritious food items and water, light-weight clothing to layer and supplies for any pets.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events, Weather, Weekend

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