Disaster Preparedness Checklist
We’re starting to get into our fire season and it’s always a good idea to prepare or freshen up your Go Bag. Talk to family, friends, neighbors and make a plan! Decide where to meet, where to stay, where you are going. If you have pets plan ahead for them as well and have prepared go bags for them. If you do not have a car, make a plan ahead of time. Ask a friend or a neighbor ahead of time, if you can ride off the hill with them. If you have a car, keep 1/2 tank of gas in it at all times. If the power goes out, the stations may not be able to pump gas unless they have a generator and even then they may only be able to take cash payments. Remember, in case of an emergency the number one priority is safety first. Proper advanced preparations can ease the stress of evacuation and help you make sure all the necessities are not left behind or forgotten.