Archive for Customer Infomation

December Billing and Inserts

Hello Residents of Pine Cove!

December billing (due January 5, 2023) is going out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing included our Winter Newsletter, Evacuation Checklist, and Property Hardening. Click here to view those items.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Compost, Customer Infomation, Emergencies, Fire, Freebies, From the Office, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council, Mulch, Pets and Animals, Pine Cove Water District, Rain Barrels, Upcoming Events, Water Bills, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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**NEWS RELEASE** Pile burning scheduled in Pine Cove, November 22, 2022

Riverside County Fire Department in Cooperation with CAL FIRE


Stone Creek Pile Burning to be Conducted

Wednesday, Nov. 9th, Thursday, Nov. 10th and Friday, Nov. 11th, CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department, in cooperation with California State Parks, will be conducting vegetation management pile burns near Saw Mill Flats Rd, next to Stone Creek Campground.

For the full News Release, click here.

Don’t be alarmed if you see/smell smoke.

Stay safe neighbors.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, Fire, Fire Abatement

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**NEWS RELEASE** Pile burning scheduled in Pine Cove, November 9th-11th, 2022

Riverside County Fire Department in Cooperation with CAL FIRE


Stone Creek Pile Burning to be Conducted

Wednesday, Nov. 9th, Thursday, Nov. 10th and Friday, Nov. 11th, CAL FIRE/Riverside County Fire Department, in cooperation with California State Parks, will be conducting vegetation management pile burns near Saw Mill Flats Rd, next to Stone Creek Campground.

For full details –

Don’t be alarmed if you see/smell smoke.

Stay safe neighbors.

Posted in: Around the District, Customer Infomation, Fire Abatement, From the Office

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October Billing

Hello Residents of Pine Cove!

October billing (due November 1, 2022) is going out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing included Winterizing Tips. Click here to view that item.

Previously we have sent a survey about property usage. If you haven’t already done so, please help us by clicking here for that survey.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Snow, Water Bills, Winter, winterizing

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August Billing

August billing (due September 1, 2022) went out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing included an invitation from The Pine Cove Property Owner’s Association for a late summer picnic and mixer on Sunday, September 18, 2022 noon-3pm. Click here to view that invitation.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Billing, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Upcoming Events, Water Bills

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June Billing

June billing (due July 1, 2022) is going out today. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes our annual Consumer Confidence Report, some general information about our water, rate schedule and conservation stages, and the June Newsletter. Click here to view those inserts.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Billing, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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Rates and Billing

Rates per Resolution #561 (This resolution contains the combination of all special rates and water rates for properties with more than one premise on a meter.)

Special Rates and Charges
Normal Customer Requested Turn On or Off     $20.00
After Hours Customer Requested Turn On or Off     $50.00-$75.00
Emergency Turn Off     $100.00-$250.00
Delinquent Turn On or Off     $90.00
Transfer Fee     $60.00
Returned Check Fee     $45.00
Late Fee for Payments Received After the 1st of the Month     $15.00
Lien Processing Fee     $215.00
Special Requests – meter readings, service calls, letters, etc.     $15.00-$100.00
Public Records Request     $0.25 per page
Fire Service     $5.00 per inch of diameter/per month with a $10.00 per month minimum

Where more than one (1) Premises exists or is located on a Parcel, a unit charge of $20.00 will be assessed for each separate Premises in addition to normal water use charges for the Parcel, as prescribed in the Rates Schedule.

Rates Schedule
Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Minimum advanced billing of and payment thereof is used for administrative expenses, minimum maintenance and fixed funding charges of the District and may not be avoided by seasonal disconnection of service with subsequent reconnection. All meters active or inactive will be billed advance minimum charges of $77.00 every two months, as per Resolution #266.

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off per guidelines specified in Resolution #233, a reconnect fee of $90.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due and payment in full must be received prior to re-establishing service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Avoid Late Fees
We know that a lot of customers pay using their banks bill pay feature, but what you may not be aware of is that the bank actually sends us a physical check. We’re seeing more and more that checks scheduled to be here closer to the due date of the 1st of the month are not actually arriving until days after the due date, subjecting you to a late fee of $15 that we will not waive.

You can avoid late fees and convenience fees by getting set up for Auto Pay. Auto Pay through your bank routing information offers you the convenience of posting automatically on the due date. There are no costs associated with it and you’ll never incur another late fee. Fill out the form attached here or call or email Jennifer at the office to get set up before your next payment due date of July 1, 2022. 951-659-2675 or

Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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Please join us as we welcome back our Customer Appreciation BBQ.
This year we are also celebrating Jerry’s retirement!

Dutch Flats
11:00am – 1:00pm
For Pine Cove Residents

RSVP REQUIRED by Wednesday, May 15th to ensure we have enough food.
Please let us know how many will be in your party by calling the office at 951-659-2675 or by email at


Tri-tip Sliders, Vegi Burgers, Hot Dogs, Soda, and Staff Made Side Dishes
All Pine Cove Residents welcome – bring the whole family
Friendly dogs welcome – MUST play well with others

Posted in: Community, Customer Infomation, Freebies, From the Office, Upcoming Events, Weekend

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April Billing

April billing is going out next week. If you get emailed bills, you may have already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes a note to our newer residents/reminders for some that have been here a while as well as a SAVE THE DATE for our CUSTOMER APPRECIATION BBQ. Click here to read the full Spring Newsletter.

Effective 2/1/2022, the bi-monthly minimum increased to $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Community, Customer Infomation, Freebies, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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