Archive for Customer Infomation

Where’s Winter?

As you may have noticed, the weather has been unseasonably warm and sunny for several weeks now.  While it is pleasant and enjoyable, it certainly isn’t typical January weather.  Where is the rain, the cold and most importantly, the snow?  These warmer temperatures are encouraging plant growth that should not be happening for 3 or 4 months yet.  I noticed yesterday that my daffodils are popping up.  Hopefully it is going to get cold soon and most importantly the moisture will arrive.  We do not need another dry winter, that is for sure.

We Want Snow!!!!!

snow flake snowflake 1 snowflake 2 snowflake 3 snowflake 4

Posted in: Customer Infomation, From the Office, Snow, Weather, Winter

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Board Meeting

Our first board meeting of 2014 is fast approaching.  It is on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 at 10 a.m. sharp.  As per usual, our board meetings are always held on the second Wednesday of every month.  The public is always welcome to attend and we would encourage everyone to attend a meeting when they are able.  They are very informative.

The meetings are held in the board room here at the water district office, which is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road.  Just follow the sidewalk by the newspaper shelter straight back and enter through the door on your right.  That will bring you right into the boardroom.  If you have any questions prior to the meeting on how to find us, just give us a call at 951-659-2675 and either Becky or Vicki will be happy to give you directions to the office.

Hope to see you there!

board meeting audience

Posted in: Board Meetings, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office

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Belated Happy New Year

Sorry for the delayed New Year’s greeting, but I have been under the weather.  So better late than never.  Everyone here at the Pine Cove Water District hopes that all of our customers had a wonderful holiday season and will have a happy, healthy and blessed 2014.  May all your dreams come true!

Happy New Year to Everyone!


Posted in: Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Holidays

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Holiday Hours

Christmas is almost upon us!  We will be open normal business hours on Monday and Tuesday, December 23 & 24th.  We will be closed on Christmas Day and the day after, December 25 & 26th.  We will resume normal business hours on Friday, December 27th.  Our normal business hours are from 9 am until 4 pm, Monday through Friday.

We do have someone on call 24 hours a day, should a water emergency occur.  That number is 951-294-8282, but remember, this number is for emergencies only.

Everyone here at the Pine Cove Water District wishes all of our customers a very merry holiday season and a new year overflowing with blessings!

Jerry Holldber, Becky Smith, Vicki Jakubac, Jerry Johnson., Jeremy Potter, Stitch the dog & Gracie the cat


Posted in: Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Holidays

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