Archive for Conservation

Spring is near!

Spring time is near! The storms have passed, and we are looking at a nice week ahead.  Back to sunshine and 50 degree daytime temps.  While we did get some nice rain this week, the storm did not produce a lot of snow as some may have hoped it would.  We are now in March, and spring is approaching. While there is always a chance we could still get some snow, the possibility seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer as each day passes by.

Although, precipitation this winter has significantly raised the moisture level of dry and dead fuels throughout California, according to Cal Fire’s Southern Operations Unit. Live fuel moisture also has begun to rise. At the lower elevations, grass will begin to sprout soon and continue into June. This is great news, however, we never fully know if Mother Nature will provide us with adequate moisture needed, so it is better to be safe than sorry.  It is always a good practice to conserve water regardless of the situation.  We can never go wrong by using less water any time of the year!

Please feel free to explore our blog and our website for more ideas on how to conserve water around your mountain home, & don’t forget to set your clocks forward an hour this coming weekend!

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Drought, From the Office, Garden, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council, Pine Cove Water District, Rain, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events, Water Conservation, Weather, Weekend

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Thank you James Ingram for the beautiful picture here at PCWD. We are embracing the chill & enjoying the views!

Quick Reminder: If you are leaving your mountain home, be sure to turn off the customer valve and empty all the drains.

If you don’t know where your customer shut off valve is at the street, please call during normal business hours to waive a service fee and we’ll guide you. If you call after hours, there will be a fee starting at $15. An emergency leak or busted pipe call after hours could incur a fee starting at $50.

If you notice any leaks, call us immediately. Upon confirmation of the leak you could receive a $25 gift card to a restaurant in town.

Regular Office Hours: 9am – 4pm; 951-659-2675
After Hours Emergency Line 951-294-8282

Posted in: Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Customer Valve, From the Office, Leaks, Pine Cove Water District, Snow, Storms, Weather, Weekend, Winter

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Today’s Decisions Affect Tomorrow’s Reality

The world that we live in today is a world where an ever-increasing population places larger demands on the earth’s finite resources. The manner in which we use these resources, determines the kind of world we leave to our children and future generations.

Water is a precious commodity in southern California. More than 70% of California’s total precipitation falls in the northern half of the state, however, 80% of California’s water demand is in the southern portion of the state. Southern California largely depends on water imported from northern California and from the Colorado River. Both local and imported water sources can be severely affected by drought, and imported water supplies have become increasingly uncertain as a result of demands by other regions. Currently, all mountain communities are facing water shortages that make water conservation increasingly important! Over demands have caused many residents to realize that preservation of our mountain environment and quality of life depends substantially on how we manage our limited water resources.

Conservation must become a way of life!

The situation today is crucial. The quickest, most certain way to begin to save water immediately is to conserve water at home. Less than half the water you use is used inside your home. The rest is used outdoors, mainly watering home landscaping. Most families can reduce water use by simply changing and learning to reduce water waste inside and outside our homes.


  • Scale back and limit landscaping
  • Water your lawn only when it needs it (in the morning or late afternoon)
  • Reduce or replace lawn areas with spaces like patios and walkways
  • Review, repair, and retrofit irrigation systems so they are water efficient and deliver only water that is needed
  • Re-landscape with plants that use less water and retrofit or install appropriate irrigation to match
  • Pick up wood chips here at Pine Cove Water District; Adding a layer of mulch around trees and plants will help reduce evaporation and keep the soil cool
  • Instead of a water hose, use a broom to clean driveways and sidewalks


  • Limit your showers. Also, fill the bathtub halfway or less
  • Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth
  • Install low-flow shower heads in the bathroom
  • Install a water-efficient toilet
  • When it’s time to replace appliances, choose a water-efficient dishwasher and washing machine
  • Run ONLY full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine
  • Fix leaky faucets and toilets as quickly as possible

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Compost, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Drought, Freebies, From the Office, Garden, Homesteading, Leaks, Mulch, Pine Cove Water District, Rain, Rain Water Harvesting, Re-purposing, The Garden, Uncategorized, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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Handy Tips to Avoid Frozen Pipes this Winter

It’s all about prevention!

Frozen pipes can leave you without water in the worst of weather, and could cost a lot to repair. However, with a few simple steps, you can easily preserve both your budget and your peace of mind!

Before the cold weather sets in:

  • Check sprinkler or irrigation systems. Make sure everything is turned off and drained.
  • Eliminate sources of cold air near water lines. Fix drafty windows and plug drafts around doors. Identify your home’s freezing points.
  • Know how to shut off your water. If you do not know how to turn off your water give us a call we’d love to help you out!
  • Protect your pipes. Wrap them with insulation.

When temperatures stay below freezing:

  • If pipes run through cabinets or vanities open the doors to let warmer room temperatures flow in.
  • Keep water moving through the pipes by allowing a small trickle of water to run.

But if your pipes do freeze:

  • Shut off the water immediately.
  • Thaw pipes with warm air, with a hair dryer or space heater. Do not leave space heaters unattended and do not use kerosene heaters or open flames.
  • Be careful turning water back on. Once pipes are thawed, slowly turn the water back on and check pipes and joints for any cracks.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, From the Office, Frozen Pipes, Pine Cove Water District, Snow, Storms, Upcoming Events, Water Conservation, Weather, Winter, winterizing

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No matter your occupation, it is your obligation to save water!

Tips for conserving inside:

  • Don’t run water while brushing. Fill a glass for rinsing.
  • Repair leaks and install a low-flow aerator.
  • Wrap hot water pipes with insulation to avoid waiting for hot water.
  • Use a partially filled sink or short blasts of water to rinse your razor.
  • An average tub holds more than 50 gallons of water. Conserve water by only partially filling the tub.
  • Install water saving shower heads. Turn off water while soaping up or shampooing. Take shorter showers.
  • Add food coloring to the water in the tank. If color appears in the bowl without flushing, there is a leak. Fix or replace toilet.
  • Keep a bottle of water in the refrigerator and use ice instead of running the tap until water is cold.
  • Run only full loads. Remodel with machines that use less water and are more energy efficient.

    Tips for conserving outside:
  • Regularly check pipes, hoses, valves, and faucets for leaks.
  • Use a pool cover to keep water clean and reduce evaporation.
  • Recycle water for use on lawn or garden.
  • Use a bucket to wash. Keep a nozzle on the hose to save water. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
  • Longer grass means less evaporation. Let grass grow taller in hot, dry weather. Set the mower one notch higher.
  • Drought – tolerant plants need less water. Mulch your garden to slow evaporation.
  • Deep soak weekly in the early morning or evening when the least evaporation occurs. Aerate lawn.
  • Don’t water the pavement! Position sprinklers so that the lawn and garden receive all the water.
  • Use a broom instead of a water hose to clear debris from patios, driveways, and sidewalks.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Conservation

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Winter is near – let’s winterize together!

Winterize your home now and you’ll not only stay cozy all winter long, but you’ll also save on energy costs and slash your heating bill. Making proper precautions to ensure your home is prepared for winter can save you time, money and a lot of unnecessary hassle!

  • To prevent damage, it is just as important to winterize your vacant home. Learn how to properly shut off your water valve (in case a pipe bursts) and turn your water off every time you leave your mountain home.

  • Unplug appliances such as microwaves and toasters to prevent faulty switches.

  • Insulate pipes with insulation or newspapers and plastic and allow faucets to drip a little during cold weather to avoid freezing. Running water, even at a trickle, helps prevent pipes from freezing.

  • Clean your gutters; make sure water can flow freely through your gutters to avoid icicles and ice dams.

  • Change your ceiling fans clockwise to force hot air at the ceiling towards the floor.

  • Replacing the filters in your forced heating unit improves the efficiency of your unit.

  • Window insulation film can help keep heat from escaping out your windows. Winterize your home to extend the life of your fuel supply by insulating walls and attics, caulking and weather-stripping doors and windows, and installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic.

  •  The simple act of installing a storm door can increase energy efficiency by 45%, by sealing drafts and reducing air flow

  • Placing a rolled towel at the bottom of your exterior door or a draft guard prevents heat from leaking out.

  • Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected every year. Your chimney doesn’t necessarily need to be swept every single year, but it does need an annual inspection. Wood stoves, however, should be swept more often — as soon as they’ve accumulated a quarter of an inch of creosote.

  • Trim tree branches near your windows, roof, or parking areas before the weight of winter ice and snow can cause them to snap.

  • Inspect your home for any openings where animals could use to get inside. Make sure your fireplace flue or damper is closed, as bats, birds and squirrels are known to get inside this way.

  • Winterize your house, barn, shed or any other structure that may provide shelter for your family, neighbors, livestock or equipment. Clear rain gutters; repair roof leaks and cut away tree branches that could fall on a house or other structure during a storm.

  • Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone in your house knows how to use them. House fires pose an additional risk, as more people turn to alternate heating sources without taking the necessary safety precautions.

  •  It is wise to communicate with a trusted  friend or neighbor that your will be gone for a prolonged period of time and they have your contact information. Taking these steps can help protect your home from theft, water damage, and heating or electrical system issues while you are away for an extended period of time.

Bundle the house up for winter!

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Emergencies, From the Office, Holidays, Pine Cove Water District, Rain, Snow, Storms, Upcoming Events, Water Conservation, Weather, Winter, winterizing

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DO’s and DON’Ts of Water Conservation

Reposted from February 15, 2015

DO wash full loads of laundry and dishes ONLY to spread out wash cycles.

DON’T hand wash your car.  Instead, take it to a car wash, where recycled water is used.

DO look for leaky faucets and running toilets.  Repairing a dripping faucet can save up to 150 gallons of water a week.

DON’T leave the sink running while brushing your teeth.  Install a bathroom sink aerator to slow the flow of water.

DO purchase water saving shower heads.  Or come into our District office, and we will give you a conservation kit for free!

DON’T take long showers.  Keeping showers under 5 minutes can save up to 1000 gallons of water per month.

DO store water in the refrigerator instead of letting the tap run for cool water.

DON’T use the toilet as a waste basket!

DO collect water used to rinse fruit or vegetables, and use to to water your plants, both inside and out. 🙂

DON’T keep water conservation tips to yourself!  Share, share, share!

DO aim to do at least one thing per day to conserve water.


And ALWAYS turn your customer valve off when leaving your mountain home.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Freebies, From the Office, Garden, Pine Cove Water District, Water Conservation

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Water Conservation Stage II

Hello Pine Cove Residents.
As of Tuesday, February 1, 2022 Pine Cove will enter into Stage II of Water Conservation.

Stage II is mandatory compliance.
Customers are required to limit irrigation of outdoor plants and gardens to the period between 6pm and 8am daily and stop all water runoff. Customers cannot fill or refill swimming pools except the small amount needed to replace evaporation in already filled pools. Vehicles can only be washed using a bucket and a hose with a shut-off nozzle. Immediate repairs must be made to any and all leaking water lines and faucets in household plumbing and yard piping. Customers must also cease watering native vegetation and unplanted areas for dust control. Restaurants shall only provide drinking water to patrons upon specific request.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may talk to General Manager Jeremy Potter 951-659-2675 or email at
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing efforts to help conserve water.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Conservation, Drought, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Conservation

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Rain Barrels

We are excited to bring back the rain barrels. We have had enough interest to get an initial order started.

If you are still interested in purchasing a rain barrel, please let us know as soon as possible.

The “Ivy” rain barrel is available in black with all components included to start collecting and reusing your rainwater! Price is $76.00 and you will be sent an invoice.

Made in the USA
Dimensions: 42.5”(h) x 22”(w) x 18”(l)
50 gallons
50% recycled plastic
Locking lid
Linking capacity
2 overflow ports
Meets EPA safety standards
Opaque HDPE material – screened inlet

Posted in: Community, Conservation, gardening, Rain Barrels, Rain Water Harvesting, Water Conservation

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