Archive for Company News

December Billing and Inserts

Hello Residents of Pine Cove!

December billing (due January 5, 2023) is going out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing included our Winter Newsletter, Evacuation Checklist, and Property Hardening. Click here to view those items.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Compost, Customer Infomation, Emergencies, Fire, Freebies, From the Office, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council, Mulch, Pets and Animals, Pine Cove Water District, Rain Barrels, Upcoming Events, Water Bills, Water Conservation, Wood chips

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June Billing

June billing (due July 1, 2022) is going out today. If you get emailed bills, you should have already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes our annual Consumer Confidence Report, some general information about our water, rate schedule and conservation stages, and the June Newsletter. Click here to view those inserts.

The bi-monthly minimum is $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage is billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card (one person at a time). Call with a credit/debit card (Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card). Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.

Posted in: Billing, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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Updates from The Office

We’re into the second month of the new year and so much has happened. Here are a few highlights.

Office re-opened to foot traffic:
Due to illnesses in the office, we had temporarily closed the office to foot traffic. We are happy to announce that we are fully open once again. We ask that you wear a mask when in the building and if someone is already at our counter that you respectfully wait outside to limit the number of people inside.

Stage II Water Conservation:
As of Tuesday, February 1, 2022 Pine Cove entered into Stage II of Water Conservation.

Stage II is mandatory compliance.
Customers are required to limit irrigation of outdoor plants and gardens to the period between 6pm and 8am daily and stop all water runoff. Customers cannot fill or refill swimming pools except the small amount needed to replace evaporation in already filled pools. Vehicles can only be washed using a bucket and a hose with a shut-off nozzle. Immediate repairs must be made to any and all leaking water lines and faucets in household plumbing and yard piping. Customers must also cease watering native vegetation and unplanted areas for dust control. Restaurants shall only provide drinking water to patrons upon specific request.

If you have any questions or concerns, you may talk to General Manager Jeremy Potter 951-659-2675 or email at
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing efforts to help conserve water.

Billing Charges increased:
Effective 2/1/2022, the bi-monthly minimum will be $77.00 for two month billing period, excluding any water usage. Water usage will be billed as follows:
$7.00 per thousand gallons from 0 to 7,500 gallons
$9.00 per thousand gallons from 7,500 to 15,000 gallons
$11.00 per thousand gallons over 15,000

Special Rates and Charges (Resolution #561)
Normal Customer Requested Turn On or Off; changed from $15 to $20
After Hours customer Requested Turn On or Off; changed from a minimum of $40 to a minimum of $50
Delinquent Turn On/Off; changed from $75 to $90
Transfer Fee; changed from $45 to $60
Where more than one (1) Premises exists or is located on a Parcel, a unit charge of $20.00 will be assessed for each separate Premises in addition to normal water use charges for the Parcel, as prescribed in the Rates Schedule.

Personnel change:
General Manager Jerry Holldber has retired as of 12/31/2021
Jeremy Potter has taken the position as our new General Manager as of 1/1/2022
Chris Dumas has been promoted to Leadman
Jensen Beri has been put on full time / permanent status
Gracie, our official Mouse Patroller has a new home with Kat Garver
And we have welcomed our newest office pet – Mousekewitz; a little chihuahua-mix dog


We hope all is well with you and as always, we are here for any questions or concerns.

Posted in: Around the District, Board Meetings, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pets and Animals, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills, Water Conservation

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December Billing

December billing went out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should’ve already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes our Winter Newsletter with updates and local resources and Winterizing Tips. In case you don’t get the paper mailing, I’ve attached those items here – December Billing Inserts

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to the current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill. ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account (filled out form required). You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there. You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card. One person at a time with a mask. Call with a credit/debit card. Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order. Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card.

Posted in: Billing, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills, winterizing

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Conservation Basics

It is always helpful to keep water conservation in mind on a daily basis. Creating conservation minded household habits can preserve our precious resource and save money in the process. Here is a friendly reminder of Do’s and don’t’s of basic conservation:

Do only wash full loads of laundry and dishes to spread out wash cycles.

Don’t hand wash your car.  Instead, take it to a car wash, where recycled water is used.

Do look for leaky faucets and running toilets.  Repairing a dripping faucet can save up to 150 gallons of water a week.

Don’t leave the sink running while brushing your teeth.  

Do install a bathroom sink aerator to slow the flow of water.

Do purchase water saving shower heads.  Or come into our District office, and we will give you a conservation kit for free!

Don’t take long showers.  Keeping showers under 5 minutes can save up to 1000 gallons of water per month.

Do store water in the refrigerator instead of letting the tap run for cool water.

Don’t use the toilet as a waste basket!

Do collect water used to rinse fruit or vegetables, and use to to water your plants, both inside and out 🙂

Don’t keep water conservation tips to yourself!  Share, share, share!

Do aim to do at least one thing per day to conserve water

Posted in: Community, Company News, Conservation, Customer Infomation

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The Butterfly Effect at PCWD

Did you know that now is the time that the beautiful orange and black Monarch butterfly is laying eggs and baby caterpillars are starting to hatch? Many believe that butterfly bushes attract these majestic creatures and while they will feed from the butterfly bush nectar it is actually Milkweed that Monarch butterflies need to sustain life. To the Monarch the Milkweed plant is their home where mate, lay eggs and hatch baby caterpillars. It is the Milkweed plant that is the perfect nutrition for a baby caterpillar to eat and grow strong enough to cocoon and eventually become a beautiful monarch butterfly.

 We have lost much milkweed from the natural landscape with shifting land management practices. Planting milkweed is a great way to help other pollinators too because milkweed provides valuable nectar to many types of bees and butterflies. Planting milkweed will assist the monarch populations, and their incredible migration. Here at PCWD we have dedicated and entire planter to support the these beautiful butterflies.

Last year we started collecting Milkweed seeds from the plants we already had and were even donated some seeds from some of our very generous customers. We currently have a few variety’s of Milkweed blooming in while, yellow and orange in our Monarch garden. The Monarchs are loving the garden and everyday we are we are finding more eggs and newly hatched caterpillars. The caterpillars are growing at a rapid pace and before we know it we will have beautiful little cocoons all over the garden.

The Office Monarch Milkweed Garden
The majestic Monarch enjoying the Milkweed nectar and laying eggs on leaves.
If you look closely you can see a little egg perfectly placed on the leaf.
Tiny little hungry caterpillar is snacking on the Milkweed and growing more everyday.
Black and yellow baby caterpillar.
This is the biggest baby we have found so far.

Stay tuned for more information, updates and pictures of our Monarch Milkweed Garden.

Posted in: Animals, Around the District, Company News, Garden, gardening, Monarch Butterflies, Pets and Animals, Raised Bed Gardens

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Great BBQ Last Saturday!

Last Saturday Pine Cove Water District had the pleasure of hosting a fun and delicious BBQ for the residents of Pine Cove. We’d like to thank everyone who came out and enjoyed the community mingle. A very special thanks to CSA38, Pine Cove Property Owners, Cal Fire Station 23 and all the other first responder personnel that helped put on this event and participated in answering questions to provide better understanding for our community. We hope all who came out enjoyed the delicious food, camaraderie and an ice cream to cool off on that hot summer day. If you weren’t able to make it for this BBQ we missed you! There is more ice cream here at the office, so when you come by to pay your August bill don’t miss your chance to leave with a cool refreshing ice cream treat.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News

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ACH Automatic Payments

Are you interested in hassle free bill paying? Pine Cove Water District has you covered. The end of credit processing fees, worrying about payment due dates, writing and mailing checks, setting up bill pay with your bank and say good bye to late fees. We now offer ACH automatic payments free of charge that are directly linked to your checking or savings account. Water bills are generated the beginning of every even month and you will still receive a statement of your records that says DRAFT BILL. Payment for your account will be automatically deducted on the 1st of every odd month. (depending on weekends and holidays payment may be after the first) Many have signed up for ACH and we have received overwhelming positive feedback.

Are you ready to sign up for ACH Automatic Payments for your Bimonthly Water bill? Contact us at the office by phone, email or fax. A link for the ACH payment form is also located on our website in the payment section.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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New Weather Station

Pine Cove Water District has an updated weather station now live on our website. The new weather station shows the current temperature and the high and love of the day. It also displays current wind direction and mph, humidity percentage, daily rain total with seasonal accumulation and barometric pressure. We are very excited to offer this new system to our customers and we hope you enjoy having current and accurate weather readings for right here in Pine Cove. Click Here!

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Customer Infomation, Pine Cove Water District, Weather

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Update On Leaks Around the District

In the last month we have experienced very cold temperatures and with cold temperatures comes an increased risk of frozen or burst pipes and leaks. In the past four weeks the workers have been out searching, listening, and assessing for leaks. Countless hours of digging to uncover water meters. Many emergency shutoffs have been called in because of leaks. The water production had doubled in a short time and with all the leaks we found combined the total of water is a minimum of 1,200,700 gallons. Wow.

There were 25 leaks located around the district and 20 of them are not full time residents and they did not shut the water off at the street at the customer valve.

We appreciate all the help from our customers in locating a leak and as always you will receive a leak reward for calling in a confirmed leak on a property tat isn’t your own. As always we highly recommend shutting off your customer valve at the street if you plan to leave your mountain home for 24 hours or more.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Company News, Leaks, Pine Cove Water District

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