Archive for Community


Please note that there will be NO voting at the Pine Cove Water District this year. While we apologize for the inconvenience, we want to make sure you know you have multiple days to be able to safely vote in Idyllwild.

Don’t rely on the postal mail this late in the game. Bring your ballot to your county clerk by hand or vote in person.

There is currently an official drop box at the Idyllwild Library through 8pm on Election Day as well as early voting services starting Saturday 10/31/2020 through Election Day.

You can utilize the FREE Shuttle Service through Forest Folk. Check their webpage for more information, their Facebook page or call them at 951-426-9688 on the day you need a ride.

I’ve also heard rumor that Douglas Fresh with Pearl Car Service is offering FREE rides to the library in order to be able to vote. He can be contacted by phone/text at 951-223-5812, on their webpage, or Facebook page.

The following information is taken from
You can also get information from

Early Voting Site and Drop Box

Idyllwild County Library Meeting Room
54401 Village Center Drive
Idyllwild, CA 92549

EARLY VOTE SITE DATES: 10/31/2020 to 11/02/2020
EARLY VOTE SITE HOURS: Oct 31 – Nov 2: 9am – 5pm; Election Day: 7am – 8pm

DROP OFF LOCATION HOURS: Oct 5 – Nov 2; Mon – Fri: 10am – 3pm; Election Day: 7am – 8pm
DROP OFF LOCATION DATES: 10/05/2020 to 11/03/2020

Once you’ve voted, you can track your ballot by going to Where’sMyBallot?.

Posted in: Around the District, Community, From the Office

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Are you ready to VOTE?

Please note that there will be NO voting at the Pine Cove Water District this year. While we apologize for the inconvenience, we want to make sure you know you have multiple days to be able to safely vote in Idyllwild.

If you are planning on MAILING your ballot in, please consider using the mailbox outside of the Water District. The more this box is used for regular mailing, the more we are proving that we need to keep it here.

There is currently an official drop box at the Idyllwild Library through 8pm on Election Day as well as early voting services starting Saturday 10/31/2020 through Election Day.

I’ve also heard rumor that Douglas Fresh with Pearl Car Service is offering FREE rides to the library in order to be able to vote. He can be contacted by phone/text at 951-223-5812, on their webpage, or Facebook page.

The following information is taken from
You can also get information from

Early Voting Site and Drop Box

Idyllwild County Library Meeting Room
54401 Village Center Drive
Idyllwild, CA 92549

EARLY VOTE SITE DATES: 10/31/2020 to 11/02/2020
EARLY VOTE SITE HOURS: Oct 31 – Nov 2: 9am – 5pm; Election Day: 7am – 8pm

DROP OFF LOCATION HOURS: Oct 5 – Nov 2; Mon – Fri: 10am – 3pm; Election Day: 7am – 8pm
DROP OFF LOCATION DATES: 10/05/2020 to 11/03/2020

Once you’ve voted, you can track your ballot by going to Where’sMyBallot?.

Posted in: Around the District, Community

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Limited Grant Funds Available

Additional resources on the hill include funds from the Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council, to make sure properties in Idyllwild have defensible space around their homes. Funds are brought to you by Riverside County Non-Profit Assistance Fund with special thanks to Inland Empire Community Foundation and the County of Riverside.

Phone: 951-659-6208
Facebook (most up to date information):

They currently have two grants available:
1) General fuels reduction (abatement) programs, available year-round
2) IECF Non-Profit Assistance Fund, one time grant with extremely limited funds available for those that qualify

The limited funds round of fire abatement funding is being reserved for those who need it most in this unprecedented time: our low income, elderly and/or disable full-time residents.

Must meet requirements. Please call MCFSC for more details and to complete an application: 951-659-6208

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Fire Abatement, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council

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Are you Prepared? (Part 2)

In addition to the Basic Emergency Evacuation Kit mentioned in last week’s post, here are more items that can be added based on your individual needs.

Additional Emergency Supplies:

  • Soap, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, etc.
  • Non-prescription medications such as pain relievers, anti-diarrhea medication, antacids or laxatives
  • Prescription eyeglasses and contact lens solution
  • Infant formula, bottles, diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream
  • Pet food and extra water for your pet
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Feminine supplies and personal hygiene items
  • Mess kits, paper cups, plates, paper towels, and plastic utensils
  • Paper and pencil
  • Books, games, puzzles or other activities for children

Maintaining Your Kit:
After assembling your kit, remember to maintain it so it’s ready when needed:

  • Keep canned food in a cool, dry place
  • Store boxed food in tightly closed plastic or metal containers
  • Replace expired items as needed
  • Re-think your needs every 6-months to a year and update your kit as needs change

Kit Storage Locations:
Since you do not know where you will be when an emergency occurs, prepare supplies for your home, work, and vehicles.

  • Home: Keep in a designated place and have it ready in case you need to leave quickly. Make sure all family members know where it is.
  • Work: Be prepared to shelter at work for at least 24 hours. Your work kit should at least include food, water, medications, comfortable walking shoes in a “grab and go” case.
  • Car: In case you are stranded, keep a kit of emergency supplies in your car

As mentioned before:
Talk to your family and friends, make a plan!  Decide where to meet, where to stay, where you are going. If you have pets or seniors to consider, plan ahead for them as well and have specific prepared go bags. If you do not have a car, make a plan ahead of time… ask a friend or a neighbor if you can ride off the hill with them if needed. If you have a car, keep 1/2 tank of gas in it at all times.  If the power goes out, the stations may not be able to pump gas unless they have a generator and even then they may only be able to take cash payments.

Remember, in case of an emergency the number one priority is safety first. Proper advanced preparations can ease the stress of evacuation and help you make sure all the necessities are not left behind or forgotten.

You can get more detailed information at

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Emergencies, Fire

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Are you prepared?

Fire and quake season is upon us. Do you have an Emergency Plan to help you and your loved ones evacuate easily? It is a good idea to prepare a portable kit and keep it in your car or to grab and go box that will be easily accessible for you and your family.

Build a basic Emergency Evacuation Kit Including:

  • Water (one gallon per person per day for at least 3 days)
  • Non-perishable food (at least 3 days supply)
  • Manual can opener (for food)
  • Bottled water
  • Prescription medications and copies of the prescription
  • Battery operated or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight
  • Extra batteries
  • Whistle (to signal for help)
  • Dust mask (to help filter potential contaminated air)
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape (in case of a shelter in place)
  • Moist towelettes / baby wipes, garbage bags and plastic ties (for personal sanitation)
  • Wrench or pliers (to turn off utilities)
  • Local maps
  • Cell phone and chargers
  • First-aid kit
  • Cash
  • Copies of important documents (driver’s license/ID, SS card, proof of residency, insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, etc.)
  • Extra change of clothes and bedding
  • Pre-pack non-replaceable, personal items like photo albums that you can quickly move to a vehicle if you are instructed to evacuate

Talk to your family and friends, make a plan!  Decide where to meet, where to stay, where you are going. If you have pets or seniors to consider, plan ahead for them as well and have specific prepared go bags. If you do not have a car, make a plan ahead of time… ask a friend or a neighbor if you can ride off the hill with them if needed. If you have a car, keep 1/2 tank of gas in it at all times.  If the power goes out, the stations may not be able to pump gas unless they have a generator and even then they may only be able to take cash payments.

Remember, in case of an emergency the number one priority is safety first. Proper advanced preparations can ease the stress of evacuation and help you make sure all the necessities are not left behind or forgotten.

You can get more detailed information at

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Emergencies, Fire

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Another hot weekend ahead

Have you seen the weather reports for this coming weekend? It’s going to be a hot one.
I’m seeing reports of 85-90 degrees in the Mountains, 104-103 Inland, and up to 117 in the Desert.

When to be concerned about heat illness
If you’re unable to keep yourself cool, you may develop the symptoms of heat exhaustion, which, if left untreated, can turn into heatstroke — a serious medical emergency that can lead to organ damage or death without immediate attention.

When temperatures are high, such as during a heat wave, you may also want to check in more frequently on young children under the age of four, as well as older people above the age of 65, because they are more susceptible to heat-related illness.

Where is our Monsoon?!?!?
According to The Weather Channel (;
The monsoon in the Southwest has been generally inactive so far this year, which has led to an expansion of drought and record heat in the region.

The upper-level setup has not been ideal for ample rainfall to drench the Southwest or for heat relief to arrive this season, which lasts from June 15 through Sept. 30.

The monsoon usually brings relief from the scorching summer heat. However, with a generally absent monsoon, excessive heat can persist.

Several daily record highs and record warm lows are anticipated later this week and into the weekend from western Texas into Southern California.

What can you do to keep cool?
Last week, we wrote about 10 ways to beat the heat according to; here are some more ideas for the upcoming hot weekend.

5 best ways to stay cool according to

1. Keep out sunlight. Close the curtains or blinds, use shutters, shades, or awnings, apply high-reflectivity window film.

2. Utilize fans properly. Ceiling fans cool people, not rooms so be sure to turn them off when you leave the room. Window fans or portable fans are best used when the air outside is cooler than the air inside.

3. Drink lots of water. Your body needs water to effectively deal with hot temperatures. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty! Getting bored with water? Add frozen berries, grapes, or melon chunks to sparkling water to switch things up.

4. Use cold washcloths. The Mayo Clinic recommends placing a cold, damp cloth on your pulse points – such as the back of your neck, under your armpits, on your wrists, or groin.

5. Eat cool foods and avoid alcohol. Put your quaran-tini down and drink something with no alcohol since too much alcohol can cause your body to actually lose water. Food suggestions include salads, watermelon, mint, and ironically enough – hot peppers.

I hope these suggestions help. Stay cool Idyllwild.

Posted in: Community, Hazardous Weather Outlook, Weather, Weekend

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Beat the heat.

Although this coming weekend is not looking like it’s going as hot as last weekend, it still looks like a nice comfortable warm one.

One of the many benefits of living on the hill is the lower temperatures due to the lush trees surrounding our town.
Trees provide an evaporative cooling effect that can decrease local air temperatures by several degrees Fahrenheit.

When the temperatures do rise again; here are the Top 10 Ways to Beat the Heat according to

10. Drink More Water
Seems like a no-brainer. Staying hydrated helps with so many things. When you’re sweating a lot, drinking enough water becomes even more important. Of course water isn’t your only option for hydration but with the quality water that the Pine Cove Water District supplies, why would you want anything else?!

9. Keep Excessive Sweat at Bay
Thankfully we don’t have some of the high humidity on the hill that some other places get as it can be the worst part of the heat. You can get the sweating under control with a few tricks, like applying antiperspirant at night and wearing breathable clothing materials, such as cotton.

8. Make a DIY Air Conditioner
Running the AC can get expensive so why not make your own? There are plenty of options to choose from if you do an internet search.

7. Optimize Your Fans
Did you know that if you face your box fan out, rather than in at night, your room will stay cooler and you might be able to sleep more comfortably?
If you have a ceiling fan, run it counter-clockwise (the “summer” higher-speed setting) for optimum cooling.

6. Keep Your Food Cool and Avoid Using the Oven
This is a great time to pull out that slow cooker you hid away after winter. You can make a whole meal without adding too much heat to your kitchen. There are rice cookers that also have a steamer tray that can serve the same purpose. Cold soups and salads are a great option too; pasta salad, bean salad, gatzpacho, cold shredded chicken on a bed of lettuce. Get creative and see what you can come up with.

5. Exercise Comfortably, Even in the Heat
If you enjoy exercising, you don’t have to stop just because it’s hot. Switch it up to water sports, avoid the sun at it’s strongest time (usually afternoon), and exercising in short bursts.

4. Optimize Your Windows (and black out curtains)
Close windows and use insulated drapes to keep the sun out during the day and open them at night when the sun is down. You can also hang a damp towel in front of the window to cool the air flowing into your home and open opposing windows or windows on the top and bottom floors for maximum air flow.

3. Cool Your Car Down Quickly
Prior to getting on the road, roll down one window and open and close the opposite door a few times to cool the car down.

2. Stay Cool While You Sleep
Cool your head with a special pillow like the Chillow, sleep on top of a wet sheet, or do some research online for other cool sleeping strategies.

1. Know Your Body’s Best Cooling Points
There are points on your body that react best to cooling. For me, it’s the back of my neck, for some, it could be your wrists or top of the head. By applying ice cubes or an ice pack wrapped in a towel (or any other cold object) to these pulse points, you’ll cool down more quickly and effectively.

What other tactics can you suggest for keeping cool?

Posted in: Community, Weather, Weekend

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Suspicious Seeds

We often speak of using local wood to avoid transporting potentially-infested oak firewood within, to, or from the San Bernardino Mountains. Now we have something new to be aware of; mysterious seeds appearing to be from China.

San Bernardino County issued a warning that if you received unsolicited mailings of seeds that appear to be from China DO NOT plant them because they could be an invasive plant species.

“USDA is aware that people across the country have received suspicious, unsolicited packages of seed that appear to be coming from China,” the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) said in a statement. They are working closely with federal and state partners, including Customs and Border Protection, to investigate. State officials said some packages were labeled as jewelry and many have contained Chinese writing. According to checks done by China’s postal service, records on the packages appear to have been falsified.

As we are well aware, invasive species wreak havoc on the environment, displace or destroy native plants and insects and severely damage crops. Taking steps to prevent their introduction is the most effective method of reducing both the risk of invasive species infestations and the cost to control and mitigate those infestations. So until they figure out what is going on, it is best to follow the suggestions of the USDA and San Bernardino County.

According to people are reporting that they are receiving unsolicited packages of seeds in the mail with return addresses indicating they were sent from China. What’s undetermined is the motive behind these mailings, and whether or not it is a malicious one or not.

Posted in: Community, Garden, gardening, The Garden

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Conservation Basics

It is always helpful to keep water conservation in mind on a daily basis. Creating conservation minded household habits can preserve our precious resource and save money in the process. Here is a friendly reminder of Do’s and don’t’s of basic conservation:

Do only wash full loads of laundry and dishes to spread out wash cycles.

Don’t hand wash your car.  Instead, take it to a car wash, where recycled water is used.

Do look for leaky faucets and running toilets.  Repairing a dripping faucet can save up to 150 gallons of water a week.

Don’t leave the sink running while brushing your teeth.  

Do install a bathroom sink aerator to slow the flow of water.

Do purchase water saving shower heads.  Or come into our District office, and we will give you a conservation kit for free!

Don’t take long showers.  Keeping showers under 5 minutes can save up to 1000 gallons of water per month.

Do store water in the refrigerator instead of letting the tap run for cool water.

Don’t use the toilet as a waste basket!

Do collect water used to rinse fruit or vegetables, and use to to water your plants, both inside and out 🙂

Don’t keep water conservation tips to yourself!  Share, share, share!

Do aim to do at least one thing per day to conserve water

Posted in: Community, Company News, Conservation, Customer Infomation

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Highway 243 to Banning Update

State of California Department of Transportation PRESS RELEASE

October 30, 2019 Press Release Number: 19-424 Project ID: 08-1K520 District: 8 Riverside/San Bernardino Emergency Work Update on State Route 243 in Idyllwild RIVERSIDE – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is pleased to announce that the emergency work on State Route 243 (SR-243) is now complete. The route will reopen to the public from Interstate 10 (I-10) to Idyllwild on Friday, November 1 by 6 p.m. Know before you go! To stay on top of roadwork in the Inland Empire go to Caltrans District 8 and sign up for commuter alerts.

We are so happy the the road work on highway 243 to Banning is complete!

Posted in: Around the District, Community, Customer Infomation, Pine Cove Water District, Road Conditions

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