Archive for Billing

October Billing

October billing went out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should’ve already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes a notice from Cal Fire regarding Wildfire Actions and Low cost Retrofitting and Defensible Space. In case you don’t get the paper mailing, I’ve attached those items here.

October Billing Inserts

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill.
ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account. (filled out form required).
You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there.
You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card. One person at a time with a mask.
Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.
Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card.

Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, Fire, Fire Danger, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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Office Closed to Foot Traffic

A letter from General Manager Jerry Holldber

Dear Valued Customer:
The ongoing and recent rise of Covid cases in the Idyllwild/Pine Cove area concerns me very much. So in an abundance of caution, the Pine Cove Water District office will be closed to foot traffic starting Friday, October 1st until further notice.

We are still operating normal business hours (9am – 4pm) inside the office. You can communicate with us by email, phone, fax, and through the mail slot in the front door.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in this serious matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me any time.

Jerry Holldber
General Manager, PCWD

ps: Bills for the November 1st due date will be sent out starting Monday, October 4th.

General Office phone number: 951-659-2675
General Office fax: 951-659-3112
General Office email:
Becky Smith, Ofc Mngr:
Jennifer Hayes, Ofc Asst:

Posted in: Billing, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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August Billing

August billing is going out this week. If you get emailed bills, you should’ve already received yours.

This months mailed billing includes a notice of Possible Water Conservation Changes, a family friendly Wildfire Readiness event on August 7th, a flyer from the fire department with Wildland Fire Safety for Your Livestock and Pets, as well as an informational brochure from National Weather Service San Diego with helpful information. In case you don’t get the paper mailing, I’ve attached those items here.

Possible Water Conservation Changes
Let’s Get Wildfire Ready Event
Wildland Fire Safety for Your Livestock and Pets
National Weather Service San Diego brochure

Water bills are mailed around the 1st of the Billing Month (even months). All bills are due and payable by the 1st of the following month (odd months). Any bill not paid by the due date will be termed delinquent and subject to a $15.00 late fee and/or termination. If shut off, a reconnect fee of $75.00 will be charged, in addition to current amount due, to re-establish service.

There are several ways to pay your bill.
ACH Auto Draft is a free service; the payment is automatically taken out of your bank account. (filled out form required).
You can log on to your account online, and pay with a Visa/Mastercard/Discover, or E-check. To register your account online, you will need your account number, and the Municipality Code which is PineCoveWDCA. Go to and click the “Billing” tab and the Payment option link. Next, click on the link and register your account from there.
You can come into the office and pay by check, cash, or card. One person at a time with a mask.
Drop payments thru the slot on the front door or mail a check or money order.
Please note that there is a convenience fee of $3.00 per hundred dollars charged if using a credit card.

Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Mountain Communities Fire Safe Council, Pets and Animals, Pine Cove Water District, Upcoming Events, Water Bills

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ACH Automatic Payments

Are you interested in hassle free bill paying? Pine Cove Water District has you covered. The end of credit processing fees, worrying about payment due dates, writing and mailing checks, setting up bill pay with your bank and say good bye to late fees. We now offer ACH automatic payments free of charge that are directly linked to your checking or savings account. Water bills are generated the beginning of every even month and you will still receive a statement of your records that says DRAFT BILL. Payment for your account will be automatically deducted on the 1st of every odd month. (depending on weekends and holidays payment may be after the first) Many have signed up for ACH and we have received overwhelming positive feedback.

Are you ready to sign up for ACH Automatic Payments for your Bimonthly Water bill? Contact us at the office by phone, email or fax. A link for the ACH payment form is also located on our website in the payment section.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Company News, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills

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February is here and we hope everyone has enjoyed 2018 thus far. It has been interesting weather wise and we are still hoping and anxiously awaiting for more moisture to come to our mountain. We need rain and snow soon to help keep our wells full, our forest healthy and fire danger low.

New Customers:

Pine Cove Water District would like to welcome all our new customers! Our records indicate there are 68 new customers to Pine Cove since July. PCWD, would like to remind all customers to turn your water off at the customer valve when leaving your mountain home. If you don’t know where your customer valve is or how to turn it off please give the office a call during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm) and we would be happy to assist you.


Pine Cove has received an extremely low percentage of recorded rain/snow compared to yearly averages. We are currently facing the possibility of stage two water restrictions in our near future.

Last year’s moisture considerably improved the state’s and  PCWD’ s water supply and eased drought conditions. As of today, all indications show water restrictions will remain in place and it is important for us to continue to conserve water. PCWD encourages long term water conservation measures as well as planning for future drought conditions. Water conservation should remain a way of life!


February billing was sent out last week please read the informational inserts with your bill. We send out water bills every two months on the even months.  Your bill will be due on the 25th of this month and  April is the next billing month. We greatly appreciate you paying your bill in a timely manner and paying on time prevents a late fee of $15 from being added to your bill.

We have purchased a new billing system which will roll out with the April bill and more options (online payments) will be available so keep an eye out on more information regarding the upcoming improvements.

If you are a renter, you can always call the office to obtain balance information.  All water bills are kept in the homeowners name. Landlords and tenants are urged to make arrangements on how the water bills will be handled.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding you billing or any other District business;  please, contact us during normal business hours by phone, email or stop in the office.

Phone:  951-659-2675

Office: 24917 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the fire station


Office Hours: 9 am to 4 pm,  Monday through Friday.

Also, if you haven’t ordered your address number plaque from the Pine Cove Fire Station, please do!  They are free to CSA 38 service area customers (Pine Cove).  Having a visible reflective sign to display  your address will greatly assist the fire department or ambulance if they need to find you.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Customer Valve, Drought

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February Billing

This week is billing week….. We are checking meters, calculating usage  and all the February bills will be going out in the mail by Friday.  Some customers have reported issues with not receiving previous bills so if you don’t get your bill by the end of next week please notify the office.


Posted in: Billing, Pine Cove Water District

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exciting news!….. online payments coming available to PCWD customers

The overwhelming demand for online payment processing has been heard.

Coming soon, PCWD customers will be able to make payments online using a Visa, Master card, Discover card, Debt card (with a logo) or E-check for a small convenience fee. Customers will also now have the option to set up automatic banking. As usual customers can still mail a check or bring a check or cash to the office. Customers will also be able to view their water bill online as well.

We are excited to be able to offer these new services to our customers. For years, our customers have asked about the ability to make online payment and we hope to even further customer satisfaction by offering these new features.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District

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The billing was mailed on Monday, and you should receive your bill by Friday.  We had a few good size leaks, and we want to remind you that the most important thing you can do is to turn your water off, at your customer valve, when you leave for any extended period of time.  You are responsible for any water that goes through your meter, and Pine Cove Water District has never forgiven a water bill.  We also recommend that you use the shut off valve, located in your customer box, next to the meter, instead of or in addition to any shut off you might have closer to your house.  If your water is shut off at the house, and not by the meter, and a pipe breaks, it could be weeks before you ever see that water.

If you have a small leak, lets say 1 gallon per minute, for 30 days, that would be 43,200 gallons of water.  That size of a leak would cost you just under $400.00……..if that leak goes undetected for 2 months, that same bill would be $1000.00.  If you have a leak that’s 3 gallons per minute, the water going through the meter would be almost 130,000 gallons in one month……a bill that size will cost you about $1600.00……….and for 2 months, that same 3 gallon per minute leak would cost you over $7000.00……that is a lot of money to pay, and a lot of wasted water.

If you have not shut off your water, please call us and we will go out and shut the water off for you.  The fee to do that is $15.00, but that is a lot better than having to pay for a leak, because you didn’t shut your water off.



Posted in: Billing, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Customer Valve, Frozen Pipes, Leaks

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Water Bills

Here at the Pine Cove Water District, we send out water bills every other month on the even months.  So June is a billing month.  Bills were mailed on June 2nd and are due on June 25th.  If you have not received your bill, you can give us a call at 951-659-2675 and we can tell you that amount that is due.

We accept cash, checks and Visa, MasterCard or Discover cards.  We can take a credit card payment over the phone or at the counter and there is a $2.50 fee that is charged by the company that processes the payments for us.  You can also pay us through your online banking if that is how you prefer to pay your bills.

If you are a renter you can always call us and find out what the amount due is.  All water bills are kept in the homeowners name and it is up to the landlord and tenant to make arrangements on how the water bills are handled.

We greatly appreciate you paying your bill in a timely manner and paying on time prevents a late fee of $15 from being added to your bill.




Posted in: Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office

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Stage 1 Conservation

The June bills have been mailed and the Stage One water conservation rates will be in effect.  What does this mean for you?  Not much.  Since we use a tiered rate system, the rates in Stage One do not increase until the 18,000 to 24,000 gallon level.  Most customers will not see an increase in their bill unless they use a large amount of water, so most customers will not notice the increase.  If you use less than 18,000 gallons each billing period, your rates will not increase.

Remember, Stage One is voluntary compliance.  We are asking you to conserve water whenever possible.  By conserving water voluntarily now, that means there will be more water later and conserving now could possibly mean that moving into Stage 2 could be delayed or possibly avoided altogether.  Our goal here at the Pine Cove Water District is to be sure that there is always an adequate amount of water for everyone.  If we work together, we can get through these tough water times.

We have water saving kits available here in the office, free to all Pine Cove water customers.  Just stop in and ask for yours today.  Our office is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road here in Pine Cove.  We are right next to the fire station.  Our blog and website also offer many excellent tips and suggestions for saving water indoors as well as outdoors.  So we hope you will comply and voluntarily conserve water.


Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Community, Drought, From the Office, Water Bills, Water Conservation

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