Archive for Animals

Rain Today!

A storm rolled into Pine Cove over night and left a light dusting of snow.  It has been lightly raining on and off most of the morning.  It is cold, (30 degrees at 10:20 a.m.) foggy and damp.  It is not too much fun to be outside this morning.  There is a possibility of some snow accumulation tonight into tomorrow morning of 3 to 7 inches, but we will have to wait and see if that materializes or not.  Any moisture is most welcome, so rain or snow, we will take it.

All in all, today is a good day to stay inside by the fire if you don’t have to be out and about, but if you do, wear a warm jacket and take a hat or umbrella to keep yourself dry just in case it starts to rain or snow, as it can be sporadic.  Roads are clear, but there is currently a light fog.  While the visibility is good here in Pine Cove,  you never know how it is elsewhere,  so if you are driving, be prepared for the possibility of running into some fog that may be thicker than what we currently have here in Pine Cove.

We will see what tonight brings and I will update weather conditions with a new post tomorrow morning.  In the meantime, the boys finished reading meters on Friday afternoon and Becky is now working on the billing.  Bills will probably hit the mail box sometime tomorrow and are due on the 25th of this month.

Stay warm and dry and please make sure you bring your pets inside during inclement weather!  Remember, they enjoy sitting in front of a nice warm, roaring fire just as much as you do.

And just in case you don’t have a fireplace where you are now, here is one for you.

Posted in: Animals, Around the District, Road Conditions, Storms, Uncategorized, Water Bills, Weather

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Help Support ARF

ARF, Animal Rescue Friends of Idyllwild, is our local animal rescue group and they do a fabulous job rescuing dogs and cats and finding them new homes.  They are currently collecting ink jet cartridges, cell phones and small electronics such as cameras, pagers, ipods, mp3 players, ipads, tablets, ebook readers, PDAs, video cameras, calculators, GPS and radar detectors, video games & accessories, video game consoles and handhelds.

Stitch, Mascot

Stitch, Mascot

If you have any of these devices gathering dust around your house, please bring them into the water district office and place them in the drop off box provided by ARF.  Or you can take them down to ARF yourself.  Either way, why not de-clutter your home and help save some animals at the same time?

Want to know more about ARF?  There is a link to their website here on the blog or you can just click this link.


Gracie, the office cat.

Gracie, the office cat.

Posted in: Animals, Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pets and Animals

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Customer Pics

I always encourage our customers to send me pictures from around their yards showing what is happening here in Pine Cove.  Sue Hrbek and Wayne Olson sent me these pictures of a blue bird making use of the blue bird house they got from us last year.

Blue Bird house 4

Blue Bird house 5

Blue Bird house 3

Blue Bird house 2

Blue Bird house 1

This a good time to remind everyone with a blue bird house that now is a great time to clean them out so they are ready to go for this years birds.  They may be nesting earlier than normal this year do to the unseasonably warm weather.  So let’s be ready for them.

If you do not have a blue bird house of your own, stop by the water district office during regular business hours and we will give you one for FREE!  That’s right.  We are giving away free blue bird houses.  They are made from recycled wood right in the district workshop by the boys, Jerry and Jeremy.  Pick yours up today.

Posted in: Animals, Around the District, Community, From the Office

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The Rain Has Arrived!

Oh happy day!  The rains have arrived.  So far today we have received .75 of an inch of rain, according to our weather station which is located up at the Rocky Point tank site.  The rain total for February is 1.38 inches, however, that total was received in just the last 36 hours or so.  That is a lot of rain for such a short period of time!

Right now it is about 10:45 a.m. and here at the district office in Pine Cove, it is raining hard and steady with the occasional burst of wind which cause the rain to go sideways.  There is a light fog and the rain has periods of hard down pour and then light drizzle.

The weather forecast is calling for snow tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night.  There is a possibility of 10 to 14 inches falling tonight and another 10 to 14 inches tomorrow and another 5 to 9 inches on Saturday night.  Let’s hope the temperatures stay cool and we receive as much wonderful snow as possible.  We need this moisture very badly and the arrival of this storm is just what the doctor ordered.

Please prepare yourself for winter weather and a lot of snow.  Do not travel if you do not have to.  If you do have to venture out, make sure you carry chains, a small shovel, some sand or cat litter, a couple extra blankets, some snacks, a flashlight and anything else you think you may need should you get stranded.  Make sure your cell phone is charged up and ready to go before you leave.

Animals.   Please, please, please take proper precautions and preparations if you have animals that live outside.  No matter what animals you have, make sure they are winter weather ready.  They need a shelter that is clean and dry and will protect them from the rain, wind, snow and cold.  Fresh, dry, unsoiled bedding should be in place along with an area with fresh food and clean, warm water.  No animal likes or wants to stand in rain, snow mud or feces.

If possible, bring your dogs inside.  Contrary to popular belief, the majority of dogs are not equipped to live outside, full time, in extreme heat and cold.  At the very least, please bring your dogs inside to a garage or utility room and give them some soft, warm bedding along with fresh food and clean water.   Even better is a bed by the wood burner or fireplace in the same room with you.  Remember, your dog loves you and wants to be around you.  You are your dog’s world.  Please think twice before you get a dog that has to be banished to the outside constantly.  If this is the only life you can provide for a dog, perhaps this is not the season of life for you to be a dog owner.  Just think how you would feel if you were banished from human contact for the majority of the time and had to live in the elements 24/7.  Our animal friends depend on us for their every need, so please be the good person your dog thinks you are and provide them with lots of love and attention and tend to their physical needs.

Enjoy the rain and the snow everyone!

snow scene




Posted in: Animals, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Rain, Storms, Weather

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