We want you to know that we heard you!  We are proud to roll out our new billing software with our April 1st billing.  (For a small fee of $3.00 per $100 payment), you can pay online with your Credit Card, Debit Card, and E-check.

We are also offering ACH Auto Draft payments.  If you want us to automatically debit your account on the 1st of the month, following billing (odd months).  Please download the form below, fill it out, and send it to the office.  You can email it to pcwd@pcwd.org, or you can fax it to 951-659-3112.  There is no fee to the customer for this service!!

ACH Automatic Payments

You also still have the option of using your bank’s bill pay to make your payment, or you can make your payment in person!  There is a slot in the front door, if it’s outside of normal business hours.

Go paperless!  You now have the option of getting your bill via email!!  Just give us a call to set that up.

So many new options!  We hope you like them!  If you have any problems, please call us.

Please use the following link to use our online payment service. www.ub-pay.com
Register with municipality code: PineCoveWDCA