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Nice Week Ahead

Now that  the storm has passed, we are looking at a nice week ahead.  Back to sunshine and 50 degree daytime temps.  While we did get some nice rain over the weekend, the storm did not produce a lot of snow as we had hoped it would.  We are now in March, spring is approaching and while there is always a chance we could still get some snow, the possibility seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer as each day passes by.

While we are not in dire straights water wise just yet,  this winter has been extremely dry and we need to prepare ourselves for a drought situation.  Getting in the habit of conserving water now, both inside and out, will go a long way in helping to ease the pressure on our ground water supplies.  We never know when or if Mother Nature will provide us with adequate moisture, so it is better to be safe than sorry.  It is always a good practice to conserve water regardless of the drought situation or lack there of.  We can never go wrong by using less water any time of the year.

Please feel free to explore our blog and our website for more ideas on how to conserve water around your mountain home.

Summer Sun

Posted in: Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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The Rain Has Arrived!

Oh happy day!  The rains have arrived.  So far today we have received .75 of an inch of rain, according to our weather station which is located up at the Rocky Point tank site.  The rain total for February is 1.38 inches, however, that total was received in just the last 36 hours or so.  That is a lot of rain for such a short period of time!

Right now it is about 10:45 a.m. and here at the district office in Pine Cove, it is raining hard and steady with the occasional burst of wind which cause the rain to go sideways.  There is a light fog and the rain has periods of hard down pour and then light drizzle.

The weather forecast is calling for snow tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night.  There is a possibility of 10 to 14 inches falling tonight and another 10 to 14 inches tomorrow and another 5 to 9 inches on Saturday night.  Let’s hope the temperatures stay cool and we receive as much wonderful snow as possible.  We need this moisture very badly and the arrival of this storm is just what the doctor ordered.

Please prepare yourself for winter weather and a lot of snow.  Do not travel if you do not have to.  If you do have to venture out, make sure you carry chains, a small shovel, some sand or cat litter, a couple extra blankets, some snacks, a flashlight and anything else you think you may need should you get stranded.  Make sure your cell phone is charged up and ready to go before you leave.

Animals.   Please, please, please take proper precautions and preparations if you have animals that live outside.  No matter what animals you have, make sure they are winter weather ready.  They need a shelter that is clean and dry and will protect them from the rain, wind, snow and cold.  Fresh, dry, unsoiled bedding should be in place along with an area with fresh food and clean, warm water.  No animal likes or wants to stand in rain, snow mud or feces.

If possible, bring your dogs inside.  Contrary to popular belief, the majority of dogs are not equipped to live outside, full time, in extreme heat and cold.  At the very least, please bring your dogs inside to a garage or utility room and give them some soft, warm bedding along with fresh food and clean water.   Even better is a bed by the wood burner or fireplace in the same room with you.  Remember, your dog loves you and wants to be around you.  You are your dog’s world.  Please think twice before you get a dog that has to be banished to the outside constantly.  If this is the only life you can provide for a dog, perhaps this is not the season of life for you to be a dog owner.  Just think how you would feel if you were banished from human contact for the majority of the time and had to live in the elements 24/7.  Our animal friends depend on us for their every need, so please be the good person your dog thinks you are and provide them with lots of love and attention and tend to their physical needs.

Enjoy the rain and the snow everyone!

snow scene




Posted in: Animals, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Rain, Storms, Weather

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Raised Bed Gardening

In a previous post, I talked about container gardening.  Containers are a great way to grow flowers, vegetables and herbs.  But perhaps you want something bigger or more permanent.  While you could buy a rototiller and start digging up your yard, a much better solution would be to install a raised bed garden.

What is a raised bed garden?  Well it is very simple.   It is  a garden bed where the soil level is higher than that on the paths and yard around them.  They can be any size, shape or height that you desire and can even be built in a way that  makes them wheelchair accessible.  They can be built with a wide variety of materials and can be as spartan or as decorative as you wish.  You are only limited by your imagination.  Here are some great examples to get you thinking about what you could do in your own garden.

Stone Raised Beds

Raised beds made out of beautiful stone.

spaced_raised-garden-bed-with-chicken-coopRaised bed garden on top of a chicken coop!  This is a great idea.

Raised Bed Garden with Eating AreaAn enchanting raised bed garden.

Painted Raised Bed Garden

A colorful raised bed garden!  Kids would love to help you garden here.

Narrow Raised BedFitting a raised bed garden in along a fence line.


A raised bed garden with different sizes and heights.

log raised bed gardednA rustic raised bed garden that would eliminate stooping!

Landscape Blocks Raised Beds

A round raised bed garden made out of landscaping stones.  Check out the rain barrel as well!

5bed-raised-garden-bedsCustom shaped raised beds.

key hole raised bed gardenA keyhole style raised bed with a trellis.  Great for a small space.

As you can see, there are endless ways to incorporate raised beds into your landscape, but  just what exactly are the benefits of raised bed gardening you may be asking?  Well, there are several.

First of all, and probably the most importing reason,  is the soil.  Since you will be filling the raised bed yourself, it becomes an opportunity to get high quality soil and a custom blend of fertilizer and amendments for your specific growing needs.  This is especially important if you live in an area with poor or rocky soil which would make digging up a garden difficult.  With a raised bed garden, there will be no digging,no rototilling or any other back breaking labor.  While the initial filling will involve a little work, once your bed is filled, it will only require once a year amending with a good compost.

The second advantage to a raised bed garden is the ability to tailor it to your specific needs.  If you have a problem with critters digging from underground, you can put hardware cloth under your raised bed to thwart their activities.  A raised bed garden enables you to screen it in to protect it from birds, squirrels and other critters that would love to eat what you grow.  You can also extend your growing season with a raised bed garden by installing row covers or even adding a cold frame on top of your raised bed.  All of these things are easier to do  with a raised bed garden.  Here are some examples.

Lining a raised bedLining your raised bed with hardware cloth to prevent critters from digging in from underneath.

Critter proofing your raised bed

Wire frame to set over the raised bed garden to keep critters and birds out.


Fenced in raised bed to keep animals out.

Enclosed Veggie GardenA totally enclosed raised bed garden.

Screens for raised beds

Raised bed garden with screened A frame.  Would be easy to throw plastic over this as well.

RB cold frame 1Plastic covered frames for raised bed garden act as a greenhouse.

RB cold frame 5

Hoop covers made from PVC pipe for raised beds.

RB cold frame 4

Enclosed raised bed garden.

RB cold frame 6

PVC pipe frame over a raised bed ready for plastic to be added.

So I think this gives you enough to think about for one post!  Next time I will discuss the drainage and yield aspects of raised bed gardens.  Stay tuned!

Posted in: Customer Infomation, From the Office, Homesteading, Raised Bed Gardens, The Garden

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Weather Coming

Some wet weather is finally coming our way.  By the looks of the weather forecast, we should get some rain or snow by the end of this week.  It doesn’t look like much so far, but when it comes to predicting the weather, one never really knows for sure.  Let’s all hope we get more moisture than is predicted as we need it desperately.  This winter has been practically non-existent so far and while these mild and sunny days are certainly enjoyable, they are doing nothing for our water situation.

Conserving water whenever possible is also an important part of our water situation.  Luckily, Pine Covers are very aware, concerned and educated about our water supply and as a result, they are very good about conserving water as much as possible.  If you  aren’t sure how you can reduce your water usage,  we have many water conservation tips here on the blog and on our website at that are useful for conserving water both inside the house as well as outside.

And don’t forget  to turn your water off at your customer valve anytime you leave you mountain home.  This is the best way to prevent damage from a leak when you are not at your mountain home. We also have water conservation kits here at the office.  Stop in and pick one up for your home!


Posted in: Community, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Frozen Pipes, Water Conservation, Weather

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Public Hearing

At our next board meeting, on March 12, 2014, there will be a public hearing regarding moving into Stage I of water conservation.  The public is invited to attend.  The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. sharp and will take place at the district office, which is located at 24917 Marion Ridge Road.  We hope to see you there!

board meeting audience

Posted in: Board Meetings, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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Raised Bed & Container Gardens

Gardening is a very popular and rewarding past time and is alive and well here on the hill.  We have a local garden club and I personally know many people who just love to garden.  So, as promised, here is a post about raised bed and container gardening.

Gardening here in Pine Cove can be very challenging.  We face a variety of obstacles which included unpredictable weather, plant munching critters such as deer, squirrels and gophers, less than perfect soil and drought conditions.  So what is an avid gardener to do?

Build a raised bed or container garden of course!  I have found this to be the perfect solution to all of the above dilemmas.  Containers come in a large variety of styles, materials, colors and sizes to fit any style of home or garden.  Many plants, including vegetables and fruits, can be grown in containers.  You can also get very creative and create a container garden out of some unusual objects such as metal animal water troughs, old buckets, dressers, wagons, wheelbarrows, wash tubs, old sinks, rain spouting, baskets and many other things.  You can let your imagination run wild!  Here are some pictures to get your creative juices flowing.

Check out my next post for more on raised bed gardening!

Garden wheelbarrow

Container Garden



Water trough container garden

wagon planter

Posted in: Customer Infomation, Edible Landscaping, From the Office, Garden, Uncategorized

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Saving Water in the Garden

With the drought continuing to strengthen it’s grip on California, gardeners are wondering how they will be able to maintain their gardens in the coming years.  Here in Pine Cove, we are a step ahead because we do not typically have large lawns to worry about maintaining.  But even so, many residents do like to garden and even grow some of their own food.  Now is the time to start thinking about spring projects and what you can do to conserve water in the garden.

If you have an existing garden, there are several things you can do to reduce the amount of water you use in the garden.   First, be sure to add compost to your existing garden.  Soil that is high in organic matter stays moist longer. Improve your soil by adding a source of organic material such as compost or well rotted manure.  If you consistently work to improve your soil each season, the texture and water holding capacity of your soil will increase and your garden will require less water.  In order to make this easier for you, we have wonderful compost available to our customers for free!


Once you have amended your soil, it is time to add some mulch.  Why you ask?  Well, mulch accomplishes three things.  First, it adds a source of organic material which, although it is not rotted and therefor not readily available to the plants, will eventually improve the structure and the water holding ability of the soil. Second, it slows surface evaporation so you will water less and third,  it helps to smother weeds, making your gardening easier!  As it happens, we also have mulch available to our customers for free as well!

Wood Chips

Another wonderful thing you can do to help keep your garden looking good throughout the summer is to harvest rainwater.  This can be as simple as a rain barrel under your down spout or shallow trenches to divert the rainwater to the garden.  You can add swales and berms strategically placed throughout your garden in order to keep rainwater from running off your property.  You can even go so far as to install a large water storage tank either above ground or underground in order to store thousands of gallons of rain water.  For more rainwater harvesting information, go to Brad Lancaster’s website at  He has lots of information and tips on rainwater harvesting.

Rain water is FREE water.  That’s right.  Just catch it, store it and use it.  If you do a search for rain water harvesting online, you will find a treasure trove of information and lots of examples on how to set up rain harvesting system.  By using your roof water you will reap water benefits from even a gentle rain by capturing all of the water that falls onto your roof surface.


Finally, install a drip irrigation system which will deliver water directly to the plants root zone instead of watering the entire surface of the garden.  Although a drip irrigation system can be expensive initially it will certainly pay off in drastically reduced water use if you intend to grow a  garden year after year. The hoses, emitters, fittings and valves must be laid out to deliver the water to each plant.  If you can’t afford to install a drip system,  an easy alternative is to use soaker hoses that allow water to seep through the porous material along their entire length.  They are less expensive to install and you can put them under the mulch to prevent evaporation.   Both methods are better alternatives than sprinklers or letting the hose run.

Remember, we are all in this drought together and each of us plays a very important part in conserving our water.

Next week, I will discuss the virtue of raised bed gardens and container gardening.

Posted in: Compost, Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Garden, Mulch, Rain Barrels, Rain Water Harvesting, Water Conservation

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Leak Reward

Just a quick reminder about our Leak Reward Program.  Anyone who spots a leak and reports it to the water district, will earn a $25 gift certificate to their restaurant of choice here on the hill.

It has to be a valid leak, not a spring or something we already know about.  And it can’t be something like your toilet is leaking.  This has been a very successful program and we hope you will keep your eyes and ears peeled when you are out and about in Pine Cove.

Reward Flyer

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