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Prop 218 Notification of Public Hearing

Pine Cove Water District

24917 Marion Ridge Dr.

PO Box 2296

Idyllwild, CA 92549-2296


951-659-3112 (fax)





(Proposition 218 Notification)

Date:  Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Time:  10:00 am

Location:  24917 Marion Ridge Drive, Idyllwild CA 92549


You are receiving this notice because you are a Pine Cove Water District customer and you own property that is receiving water service.  This notice is being furnished to you pursuant to California Constitution Article XIIID, also known as Proposition 218.  Pursuant to Proposition 218, a Public Hearing has been scheduled on May 9 regarding Pine Cove Water District’s rates.


What Do Water Rates Fund


Pine Cove Water District is a non-profit public entity.  In order to deliver water to more than 1,100 metered customers, Pine Cove Water District maintains 20 miles of pipe, 16 wells, 6 Storage Tanks and 2 pump stations throughout Pine Cove.  Monthly rates paid by the systems users are the primary source of revenue.  All revenue generated from your utility bill is used to fund the water system’s maintenance and operation.  These revenues are not used for any other general government purposes.  They are collected for two purposes:  (1) to finance the ongoing administration, operation and maintenance costs associated with the water distribution system; and (2) to pay for capital improvement and replacement program costs.  The purpose of the capital replacement program is to provide for long-term replacement of pipes and other infrastructure as they deteriorate.


How Will the Rate Adjustment Be Used


Pine Cove Water District recently utilized the District’s engineer, John Egan of Engineering Resources, to complete an analysis of the needed improvements, maintenance, and requirements for the water system.  The system requires investment, primarily in the maintenance and repair of aging tanks, new water sources and upgrades, smart meters, and other equipment, in order to maintain a safe and reliable water delivery system.  Rate revenues will be the primary funding for the repairs, maintenance, and upgrades.


What Is the Basis of the Proposed Rates?


Pine Cove Water District has kept meticulous records over the past 3 years on all aspects of producing and delivering water.  The District Engineer did a complete assessment of the District using the Budget Comparisons for the previous 3 years, analyzing fixed costs and variable costs for the District.  We are proposing to adopt a five-year schedule of proposed water rates to be implemented beginning on June 1, 2018.


Fixed Costs


Year 2014/2015                                 $592,018

Year 2015/2016                                 $587,320

Year 2016/2017                                 $640,094

Average 3-year cost                        $606,477


Currently, we receive through our bi-monthly minimum $410,316.  To achieve our goals, we propose raising our bi‑monthly minimum as follows:


Residential Fixed:


Year Meters Bi-Monthly Incr. Actual/Yearly Yearly Income
2017/2018 (now) 1103 $62.00/$372 $410,316
2018/2019 1105 $6.00 $68.00/$408 $450,840
2019/2020 1107 $4.00 $72.00/$432 $478,224
2020/2021 1109 $4.00 $76.00/$456 $505,704
2021/2022 1110 $2.00 $78.00/$468 $519,480
2022/2023 1111 $2.00 $80.00/$480 $533,280


Commercial Fixed – Buckhorn Camp, Coulter Pines and Hummingbird Trailer Parks:


Now Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Buckhorn Camp $520.00 $565.00 $599.00 $635.00 $654.00 $674.00
Coulter Pines $1670.00 $1598.00 $1692.00 $1786.00 $1833.00 $1880.00
Hummingbird Trailer Park $605.00 $578.00 $612.00 $646.00 $663.00 $680.00


Per Ordinance #9, new guidelines are in place to charge multiple units on a single meter.  This would be an additional charge on bi-monthly minimums, on three or more units per single meter.


Variable Costs


Year 2014/2015 $202,071 $7.51/per 1000 gallons
Year 2015/2016 $194,263 $7.39/per 1000 gallons
Year 2016/2017 $203,441 $7.15/per 1000 gallons


Average 3 year cost = $199,925.  Then, based on water sold the average price per 1000 gallons would be $7.35.


Based on info from previous 3 years, and assuming we sell 30,000,000 gallons of water per year, the breakdown per tier is:


0-7500 gallons                    10 MG   =             33% of sales (77% of customers)

7500-15000 gallons          10 MG   =             33% of sales (16% of customers)

Over 15,000 gallons         10 MG   =             34% of sales (  7% of customers)


93% of our customers fall into Tier 1 and Tier 2.  We propose changing Tier 1 from 6000 gallons to 7500 gallons, and Tier 2 from 12,000 gallons to 15,000 gallons.  Tier 3 will apply to all water over 15,000 gallons, and we will eliminate the current Tier 4.






Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


0-7500 $1.80 $4.00 $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00
7500-15,000 $3.10 $6.00 $7.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00
Over 15,000 $4.40 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11.00 $12.00
Over 18,000 $7.40
Now Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
New Rates 118,110 180,000 210,000 240,000 270,000 300,000


Average Cost:                            $6.00/1000         $7.00/1000      $8.00/1000       $9.00/1000       $10.00/1000


The following table illustrates the impacts of the proposed rates and tiers on the typical residential and commercial customer.  Your bill will vary based on water consumption.


Now Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Bi-Monthly $62.00 $68.00 $72.00 $76.00 $78.00 $80.00
5000 gallons $9.00 $20.00 $25.00 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00
Total Bill $71.00 $88.00 $97.00 $106.00 $113.00 $120.00
10000 gal. $23.20 $45.00 $55.00 $65.00 $75.00 $85.00
Total Bill $85.20 $113.00 $127.00 $141.00 $153.00 $165.00




Normal Customer Requested Turn on or Off                                                $15.00

After Hours Customer Requested Turn On or Off                             $40.00 – $75.00

Emergency Turn Off                                                                         $100.00 – $250.00

Delinquent Turn Off/On                                                                      $75.00

Transfer Fee                                                                                       $45.00

Return Check Fee                                                                              $45.00

Late Fee for Payments made after the 10th of month                       $15.00

Lien Processing Fee                                                                           $215.00

Special Requests – meter readings, service calls, letters                  $15.00 – $100.00

Public Records Request –                                                                   $.25 per page

Fire Service –                                                                                                  $ 5.00 per inch of diameter/per month

$10.00 per month minimum











1” METER       =          $14,042 PLUS INSTALLATION.

2” METER       =          $43,778 PLUS INSTALLATION.








How to Provide Comments or Protest the Rate Adjustment


You may comment or ask questions at any time by contacting Jerry Holldber, General Manager of Pine Cove Water District, or by participating in the May 9, 2018, Public Hearing at 10:00 am.   You have the right to protest the rate change if you are:


         The record owner of an affected parcel,

         A person with a legal interest in an affected parcel, or

         A person who is legally responsible to pay the rates for an affected parcel.


Water rates are subject to majority protest, which means if a majority of impacted owners submit written protest against the increase, Pine Cove Water District cannot institute the  new rates.


Protests must be in writing and mailed or hand delivered to Pine Cove Water District.  Faxed or emailed protests cannot be accepted.


In compliance with Proposition 218, only one protest per property will be counted.  All written protests must be received by Pine Cove Water District before the end of the Public Hearing on May 9, 2018.  Please direct written protests to Pine Cove Water District, Attn:  Jerry Holldber, PO Box 2296, Idyllwild CA 92549.

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Little bit of snow!

Pine Cove residents woke up this morning to cold temperatures, frozen windshields, icy roads and a little bit of snow! A dusting of snow this morning was enough to give our mountain that gorgeous winter shimmer.  With this colder weather, please be careful while driving on the icy roads. As always remember to winterize your home and turn off your water at the customer valve before leaving your mountain home.

Here is a photo from our webcam…. The snow has melted from the trees here but as you can see its still covering the high country! What a beautiful day in Pine Cove!

Posted in: Community, Snow, Weather, Winter

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February is here and we hope everyone has enjoyed 2018 thus far. It has been interesting weather wise and we are still hoping and anxiously awaiting for more moisture to come to our mountain. We need rain and snow soon to help keep our wells full, our forest healthy and fire danger low.

New Customers:

Pine Cove Water District would like to welcome all our new customers! Our records indicate there are 68 new customers to Pine Cove since July. PCWD, would like to remind all customers to turn your water off at the customer valve when leaving your mountain home. If you don’t know where your customer valve is or how to turn it off please give the office a call during normal business hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm) and we would be happy to assist you.


Pine Cove has received an extremely low percentage of recorded rain/snow compared to yearly averages. We are currently facing the possibility of stage two water restrictions in our near future.

Last year’s moisture considerably improved the state’s and  PCWD’ s water supply and eased drought conditions. As of today, all indications show water restrictions will remain in place and it is important for us to continue to conserve water. PCWD encourages long term water conservation measures as well as planning for future drought conditions. Water conservation should remain a way of life!


February billing was sent out last week please read the informational inserts with your bill. We send out water bills every two months on the even months.  Your bill will be due on the 25th of this month and  April is the next billing month. We greatly appreciate you paying your bill in a timely manner and paying on time prevents a late fee of $15 from being added to your bill.

We have purchased a new billing system which will roll out with the April bill and more options (online payments) will be available so keep an eye out on more information regarding the upcoming improvements.

If you are a renter, you can always call the office to obtain balance information.  All water bills are kept in the homeowners name. Landlords and tenants are urged to make arrangements on how the water bills will be handled.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding you billing or any other District business;  please, contact us during normal business hours by phone, email or stop in the office.

Phone:  951-659-2675

Office: 24917 Marion Ridge Road, right next to the fire station


Office Hours: 9 am to 4 pm,  Monday through Friday.

Also, if you haven’t ordered your address number plaque from the Pine Cove Fire Station, please do!  They are free to CSA 38 service area customers (Pine Cove).  Having a visible reflective sign to display  your address will greatly assist the fire department or ambulance if they need to find you.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Customer Valve, Drought

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February Billing

This week is billing week….. We are checking meters, calculating usage  and all the February bills will be going out in the mail by Friday.  Some customers have reported issues with not receiving previous bills so if you don’t get your bill by the end of next week please notify the office.


Posted in: Billing, Pine Cove Water District

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exciting news!….. online payments coming available to PCWD customers

The overwhelming demand for online payment processing has been heard.

Coming soon, PCWD customers will be able to make payments online using a Visa, Master card, Discover card, Debt card (with a logo) or E-check for a small convenience fee. Customers will also now have the option to set up automatic banking. As usual customers can still mail a check or bring a check or cash to the office. Customers will also be able to view their water bill online as well.

We are excited to be able to offer these new services to our customers. For years, our customers have asked about the ability to make online payment and we hope to even further customer satisfaction by offering these new features.

Posted in: Around the District, Billing, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Pine Cove Water District

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Winter is here…. friendly reminder from PCWD

The cold weather has finally arrived. We advise all of our customers to turn your customer valve off by the meter when you leave your mountain home. Forgetting to turn off your water during the winter season increases the risk for burst pipes and damage to your home. When water freezes in a pipe, it expands. If it expands enough, the pipe bursts, water escapes and serious, costly damage is the result. If don’t know where your customer valve is we would be happy to send a field worker during regular office hours to come show you or if you need your customer valve shut off we can shut it off for you for a small fee of $15. In the unfortunate event that a pipe does break any and all water that is lost will be the responsibility of the customer to pay for. PCWD does not forgive any water usage even if it is from a burst pipe. As always feel free to contact to office for any questions or concerns regarding your water bill, usage or winterizing your home.

PCWD Office: (951)659-2675

Emergency after hours: (951)294-8282

Posted in: Customer Infomation, Customer Valve, From the Office, Frozen Pipes, Leaks, Pine Cove Water District, Snow, Water Bills

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Preparing for an Emergency or Evacuation


Recent natural disasters can inspire awareness and the importance of emergency preparedness. In our neighborhood the threat of a wildfire is real and one could start at any moment. Fire can move fast and unpredictably. Preparing for an evacuation should begin before there is any danger. Everyone should have individual and family evacuation plans in place. Emergency planning may be different for every family but there are common necessities and planning should include all members of the family. If your household is under voluntary or potential evacuations, begin to prepare your home and get ready to leave.

 Assemble an emergency supply kit

Having supplies for each member of your household is an important step for evacuation preparation. Cal Fire recommends having a three-day supply non-perishable food and three gallons of water per person. Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses, a seven-day supply of medications and copies of important documents are also important to pack

  1. Place papers in sealed, waterproof plastic

  2. Store in a durable, sealed box. (A portable,fireproof and waterproof box or waterproof backpack is recommended.)

  3. Store box/backpack at home in a secure, easily accessible location.

    If you must evacuate:

    • Grab box and take with you.
    • Keep the box with you at all times.
    • Do not leave box unattended in your car.

What to include in your Grab & Go box

  • Copies of important documents: Birth Certificates, Drivers licenses, passports, House Deeds and Titles, Birth, death, adoption, and marriage certificates,Wills and/or trust documents and other irreplaceable document.

  • First two pages of previous year’s federal and state income tax returns

  • Cash or traveler’s checks for several days living expenses.

  • Back-up copies of computerized financial records

  • Emergency phone numbers

  • Employee-benefit documents.

  • Copies of important health record and prescriptions: Copies of health, dental, and/or prescription insurance cards or numbers.

  • Copies of children’s immunization records.

  • Copies of auto, flood, renter’s or homeowner’s insurance policies (at least policy numbers).

  • Home inventory. (document and take pictures of properties and possessions)

  • Any sentimental  jewelry or photos (flash drive or CD is best)

 Inside the House

  • Shut all windows and doors, leaving them unlocked.

  • Remove flammable window shades, curtains and close metal shutters.

  • Remove lightweight curtains.

  • Move flammable furniture to the center of the room, away from windows and doors.

  • Shut off gas at the meter; turn off pilot lights.

  • Leave your lights on so firefighters can see your house under smoky conditions.

  • Shut off the air conditioning.


  • Gather up flammable items from the exterior of the house and bring them inside (patio furniture, children’s toys, door mats, trash cans, etc.) or place them in your pool.

  • Turn off propane tanks.

  • Move propane BBQ appliances away from structures.

  • Connect garden hoses to outside water valves or spigots for use by firefighters. Fill water buckets and place them around the house.

  • Don’t leave sprinklers on or water running, they can affect critical water pressure.

  • Leave exterior lights on so your home is visible to firefighters in the smoke or darkness of night.

  • Put your Emergency Supply Kit in your vehicle.

  • Back your car into the driveway with vehicle loaded and all doors and windows closed. Carry your car keys with you.

  • Have a ladder available and place it at the corner of the house for firefighters to quickly access your roof.

  • Seal attic and ground vents with pre-cut plywood or commercial seals.

  • Patrol your property and monitor the fire situation. Don’t wait for an evacuation order if you feel threatened.

  • Check on neighbors and make sure they are preparing to leave.


  • Locate your pets and keep them nearby.

  • Prepare farm animals for transport and think about moving them to a safe location early.

In the event of emergency Remember safety first. If you are well prepared in advance the evacuation process can be less stressful and scary.

Posted in: Around the District, Company News, Customer Infomation, Emergencies, Fire, Fire Danger, From the Office, Hazardous Weather Outlook, High Wind Warning

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Office Closures for the upcoming holiday season

Pine Cove Water District would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season. The Office will be closed on December 25th and 26th for Christmas.  We will also be closed For New Years Day Monday January 1st . If you have a water emergency, there will be someone on call.  You can call the office and listen to the recorded message or call 951-294-8282, which is our emergency number.  Remember, this number is for true water emergencies only.  Please wait until the following business day to call about any other non-emergency water issues.  Our normal business hours will resume as usual from 9am until 4pm the following business day after the holidays.

We Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us here at PCWD!

Posted in: Around the District, Company News, Customer Infomation, Emergencies, From the Office, Holidays, Pine Cove Water District, Uncategorized, Upcoming Events

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Winter is coming how can you prepare

It is important to make sure your home is ready for the coming winter months. Winter heating costs can double if your windows are poorly insulated, your plumbing breaks, or if the heating system is out-of-date. Making proper precautions to ensure your home is prepared for winter can save you time, money and a lot of unnecessary hassle.

  • To prevent damage, it is just as important to winterize your vacant home. Learn how to properly shut off your water valve (in case a pipe bursts) and turn your water off every time you leave your mountain home.
  • Unplug appliances such as microwaves and toasters to prevent faulty switches.
  • Insulate pipes with insulation or newspapers and plastic and allow faucets to drip a little during cold weather to avoid freezing. Running water, even at a trickle, helps prevent pipes from freezing.
  • Clean your gutters; make sure water can flow freely through your gutters to avoid icicles and ice dams.
  • Change your ceiling fans clockwise to force hot air at the ceiling towards the floor.
  • Replacing the filters in your forced heating unit improves the efficiency of your unit.
  • Window insulation film can help keep heat from escaping out your windows.Winterize your home to extend the life of your fuel supply by insulating walls and attics, caulking and weather-stripping doors and windows, and installing storm windows or covering windows with plastic.
  •  The simple act of installing a storm door can increase energy efficiency by 45%, by sealing drafts and reducing air flow
  • Placing a rolled towel at the bottom of your exterior door or a draft guard prevents heat from leaking out.
  • Maintain heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected every year. Your chimney doesn’t necessarily need to be swept every single year, but it does need an annual inspection. Wood stoves, however, should be swept more often — as soon as they’ve accumulated a quarter of an inch of creosote.
  • Trim tree branches near your windows, roof, or parking areas before the weight of winter ice and snow can cause them to snap.
  • Inspect your home for any openings where animals could use to get inside. Make sure your fireplace flue or damper is closed, as bats, birds and squirrels are known to get inside this way.
  • Winterize your house, barn, shed or any other structure that may provide shelter for your family, neighbors, livestock or equipment. Clear rain gutters; repair roof leaks and cut away tree branches that could fall on a house or other structure during a storm.
  • Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone in your house knows how to use them. House fires pose an additional risk, as more people turn to alternate heating sources without taking the necessary safety precautions.
  •  It is wise to communicate with a trusted  friend or neighbor that your will be gone for a prolonged period of time and they have your contact information. Taking these steps can help protect your home from theft, water damage, and heating or electrical system issues while you are away for an extended period of time.

Bundle the house up for winter



Posted in: Customer Infomation, Frozen Pipes, Weather, winterizing

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Halloween Family Fun

If you are new to the hill the annual Idyllwild Halloween Carnival is Tuesday October 31st. The parade begins at 4:00pm at the top of N. Circle Dr. The parade leads to the center of town where there will be a delightful carnival. The Carnival is from 5 -8 includes food, games, dancing, and a DJ and there will be a costume contest is for both humans and pets. There will also be more spooky fun happening this weekend and Halloween night at the Lake Hemet Haunted Village. The Haunted Village is open Friday and Saturday night and Halloween night Tuesday, Oct. 31. Gates open at 7 p.m. and the party ends at 10p.m.

PCWD  would like to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween and we hope everyone enjoys a fun safe family fright night!!!


Posted in: Community, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Holidays

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