Nice Week Ahead

Now that  the storm has passed, we are looking at a nice week ahead.  Back to sunshine and 50 degree daytime temps.  While we did get some nice rain over the weekend, the storm did not produce a lot of snow as we had hoped it would.  We are now in March, spring is approaching and while there is always a chance we could still get some snow, the possibility seems to be getting slimmer and slimmer as each day passes by.

While we are not in dire straights water wise just yet,  this winter has been extremely dry and we need to prepare ourselves for a drought situation.  Getting in the habit of conserving water now, both inside and out, will go a long way in helping to ease the pressure on our ground water supplies.  We never know when or if Mother Nature will provide us with adequate moisture, so it is better to be safe than sorry.  It is always a good practice to conserve water regardless of the drought situation or lack there of.  We can never go wrong by using less water any time of the year.

Please feel free to explore our blog and our website for more ideas on how to conserve water around your mountain home.

Summer Sun

Posted in: Conservation, Customer Infomation, From the Office, Water Conservation

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