Frugal Friday

Here it is Friday again.  Hope your week was good.  With the weekend ahead of us, it is time to turn our attention to the garden.

Since we will spend the summer in the grips of a drought, now is a good time to review your outside watering needs and do something to reduce them.  How is this frugal you may wonder?  Well, sometimes money well spent can save you money in the long run.   Here are some tips to help you prepare for a long, dry summer and save money in the process.

  • Amend your soil.  This may not seem like a water saving tip at first glance, however, well amended soil absorbs and retains water much better than soil that is not amended.  So if you are going to be watering outside, be sure the soil is in the best shape possible so you get the most out of the water you are putting on your garden.
  • Mulch.  After your soil is in tip top shape, adding a layer of bark mulch will help retain moisture and prevent soil erosion from wind and rain runoff.  The bark mulch will also keep water from splashing up onto plants and will help keep water from running off in downpours.
  • Install soaker hoses or drip irrigation.  If you have a garden or outdoor watering needs, you can use water more wisely by applying it right where the plant needs it.  By laying a soaker hose under the bark mulch, you will let the water slowly seep into the ground and avoid any evaporation at all.  Drip systems deliver water right to where the plant needs it without spraying anything up in the air.  Both of these ways of watering are much more efficient than watering with sprinklers or a hose.
  • Water in the early morning or late in the evening to avoid water evaporating before it gets to the plants.
  • Use water that would otherwise go to waste.  Put a bucket in the shower and collect water while you shower.  Use a basin to scrub veggies instead of washing them under running water and then take the water in the basin out to the garden.  If you have outdoor animals or dogs, put their old water onto the garden instead of just dumping it onto the ground when you are giving them fresh water.
  • Cut back on water use altogether.  Try showering every other day if you aren’t doing dirty work.  Wear clothes twice before laundering, especially in the winter when you aren’t outside getting dirty.  Take shorter showers.  Only run clothes washers and dish washer with full loads.  Compost instead of using a garbage disposal.  Install a low flow toilet and use the mellow yellow rule.

These are just a few ideas you can incorporate into your daily routine to save water. Check the page at the top of the blog for even more ideas on how to save water inside and outside of your home.  Remember using less water is not only good for the environment as well as your pocketbook!


Posted in: Around the District, From the Office, Frugal Friday, Pine Cove Water District, Water Bills, Water Conservation

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