
As everyone is aware, the drought we are currently engulfed in is statewide and does not just affect us here on the hill.  The state of California has a website dedicated to the drought and has a lot of information regarding this situation.  Here is the website in case you would like to check it out for yourself.


There is all sorts of information on the drought and all that is being done.  It is well worth spending some time there reading up on what is happening throughout the state.

On April 22, 2014, the State Water Resources Control Board approved $4 million in funding.  However, these funds are to provide interim replacement drinking water for economically disadvantaged communities with contaminated water supplies.

Occasionally, the topic of applying for grant money comes up from the public.  What they don’t realize is that the money is not just there for the taking.  There is very specific criteria that needs to be met and here at the Pine Cove Water District, we have excellent quality water and therefore, we do not qualify for these emergency monies.

We do check for grants on a daily basis and should something open up that we do qualify for, we will definitely apply .

In the meantime, we trust that the wonderful folks of Pine Cove will continue on with their water saving ways.

Posted in: Around the District, Conservation, Customer Infomation, Drought, Water Conservation

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